Determining Mercury Sensitivity


Senior Member
United States
I wish I had good answers to your question...Could you please send me a link to the test that Cutler recommend? As long as some people get more sick of a specific protocol it isn´t safe, and that is the most interesting question to get answered before starting up with one. There are always success stories but with our individual differences I think only gene testing can give an idea of the risks and how to go on.

As provocation tests release mercury from places where it has been stored, and if you can´t bind it, due to lack of glutathione and/or bad binding/conjugating capacity or of other reasons, you might get very bad from it (or any detox protocol).
I'm not convinced Cutler's protocol is the safest even though some people claim it is. I don't know much about mercury detoxification and since you seem to know a lot I thought I'd ask your opinion on those two things. I'm not sure what test he recommends, but I know some people who do Cutler's protocol so I'll ask them unless someone else following this thread knows about the test.
I will read the inputs from Rich and will be back later
Sounds good. Rich was knowledgeable about a lot of subjects, but I still like to get other people's opinion.


Senior Member
I keep on feeling certain about going down one path, only to find myself equally convinced not to!

Got an email back from Melisa - They test for several metals - the cheapest group is £190 plus either £5 postage if you wait until the london lab re-opens in July or £35 p&p if want it sending now - it has to go to Germany.

Also now wondering if I would be allergic to the new plastic replacements as I am not great with plastic.


Senior Member
I keep on feeling certain about going down one path, only to find myself equally convinced not to!

Got an email back from Melisa - They test for several metals - the cheapest group is £190 plus either £5 postage if you wait until the london lab re-opens in July or £35 p&p if want it sending now - it has to go to Germany.

Also now wondering if I would be allergic to the new plastic replacements as I am not great with plastic.

Hi Golden,
Many of us with mercury-related health problems also have problems with chemicals of many kinds. So someone found out that the dentist can make a small "pea" of the material that you put in your mouth during some days to see if you get any reactions to it. Beware of any reaction- even electrosensitivity. These trials have helped people to find a material that is supposed to be OK. They use to be free from metals. I suppose might help you with materials that use to be safe.

About the MELISA test, I have been told after my first input in this thread, that people in Sweden who has been shown allergic to mercury in the MELISA test, have been very well treated by doctors :) . Of course it is good to know whether or not, not thinking of the cost for it.



Senior Member
Hi Helen ,

That's really helpful to know - thankyou! :)

All pieces of practical advice and feedback such as this is precious, especially when navigating between the devil and the deep blue sea as they say ....

On the one and only occasion I found myself in A&E, I discovered I was allergic to the oxygen mask. The smell from it was overwhelming - when I said to the nurse - it must be the chemicals they clean it with - no they dont - its was the plastic...

I have had problems with plastic . Those pound shops are oozing the stuff ....

I was so fed up at the time - I wrote a :

Plastic poem ha ha ....

I may dig it out lol .... it was littered with the repitition of'plastic' as I felt smothered by it - its Everywhere .....

I am a lot less sensitive to it these days, happily :)


Senior Member
United States
On the one and only occasion I found myself in A&E, I discovered I was allergic to the oxygen mask. The smell from it was overwhelming - when I said to the nurse - it must be the chemicals they clean it with - no they dont - its was the plastic...
A lot of plastic I don't notice a smell, but I can't stand the smell of latex. That triggers my MCS and makes me short of breath.