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Desperate to exercise


Senior Member
I can't even remember the last time I exercised - or rather, had an exercise routine. Maybe a decade now or longer. Anyway, I'm just watching my muscles atrophy, everything hurts. I really am desperate to start to try and strengthen my body. Is there any way to do this? I'd like to strengthen my legs, abs and back most of all.


I excercise and have mostly all through my CFS, the same day I saw a CFS specialist I measured the Anaerobic Treshold, Mine was at 115bpm.
There are some videos and good info, there is a exercise group in facebook (ME/CFS Safe exercise team) that explains how to do it safely, has good links/materials.

whatever you do I would start horizontal and keep under your AT (avoid aerobic for now). That is the trick, use gravity as your friend for now, This will help you not to get too orthostatic. Once you have core and leg strength you can move more vertical (like stationary bikes...).


Senior Member
Thanks, that makes sense. I'll look into that group.

Has anybody tried medically guided exercise? Does insurance cover it?


Thanks, that makes sense. I'll look into that group.

Has anybody tried medically guided exercise? Does insurance cover it?
I have POTs too, and there is a Phisio that is for CFS, so I saw 2 exercises doctors one for CFS and one for OI. they contradicted each other. The POTs Dr told me to increase Aerobic slowly but do it laying down. CFS told me to exercise under AT (not aerobic) so I mixed what I could do of both (do the horizontal, but under AT) and that worked. So if you have OI or CFS the exercise type / way will be different based on your current issues.


Senior Member
Sth Australia
many ME/CFS patients use those stretchy resistance band things to exercise. That's probably the best way to strengthen things without putting one at too much risk. Just dont do too many repetitions


Senior Member
Michigan USA
Earlier this year I was pleased to discover that sometimes I am able to tolerate Planks. When I can do them I have noticed good results.

They are one of the simpler things I have tried. I just have to get my body into position, hold it, and remember to breathe. I have only been able to do full planks and elbow planks so far. 20 seconds to a minute+, 1-2 times. 1 or 2 times a day. Sometimes just 1 time every other day. (Lately not at all)

If I am showering, grocery shopping, too tired, or having increased pain and spasms, then I don't do planks on those days... it would be too much, but I also have Fibro and neck/back injuries that I have to be careful not to aggravate.