I agree. He knows my hormones are low. They are super low. But, the stuff he has put me on in the past made me sicker. The pregnenelone, the dHEA, the estrogen. I am in perimenopause. I get my period sometimes every 2 weeks. Problem is, I don't do well on hormones. NOT AT ALL. I can't take the pill. Miladregen can be too much for me, seriphos is too much for me. I go to Clymer Healing Research Clinic or Woodlands and I see Dr. Kracht. Unfortunately for him, I am not an easy case. Too much of anything can make me nuts.
I am sorry that you are struggling right now. I recognize so much truth in some of the things that you write. I will hope for this bad patch to pass quickly and for you to find some peace of mind and rest.
Ten years ago, I lived in a major US city with an amazing job and a great partner. I would never have predicted where I am now then. But the same goes for ten years from now in the future...it's not easy to see things getting better sometimes, but the truth is that we NEVER know how things will actually work out. You can't predict better or worse with any degree of certainty. You could spend your whole life with someone great and they could still die before you. Ultimately there are no guarantees about these things. I may or may not be able to accept the things that happen to me but I will try my darn-dest to be resilient and roll with the (seemingly never-ending) punches.
I've heard good things about Clymer but I'm wondering if maybe a switch is in order? Sometimes when I start to feel like I've burned out a doctor with all my "difficult" symptoms, it helps to find someone else who can carry the baton of hope for a little while. It's important to have a doctor that is still hopeful for you, I think, because sometimes it is so hard to carry on with hope ourselves.
I agree with Jeffrez above about the saliva cortisol test. I would get one done, like, yesterday. It's clear that you are at the end of your rope and cortisol/adrenals/HPA dysregulation has a lot to do with that. Low cortisol makes everything worse and seem completely overwhelming. Will your doctor order it for you? Can you order it yourself now through Canary Club/ZRT?
Low dose Cortef may have actually made you feel worse if your adrenals are sputtering. It could have suppressed more that it replaced at 10 mg and left you with even less cortisol than your flagging adrenals produced without it. Same with Isocort. If your results are very low, you may need anywhere from 20-40 mg of cortisol. This is a really common problem people face with HC and are often written off as intolerant when it was simply the dosage and form that are the problem.
Those with infections like EBV or Lyme often need to be at the higher end and may even need a longer acting steroid like Medrol or Dex mixed in with HC to keep a steadier level especially at first. RichvanK just posted a great explanation of how low glutathione may play into the process in a thread started by Vitamin K that you may wish to review. I would also reiterate my suggestions to her to you as far as testing...it sounds like we are all in the same boat!