dental work and injections


Senior Member
If you get no hot/cold sensitivity on the tooth it means the tooth is dead.
Then I'm in trouble because I have never had problems with hot/cold sensitivity for any of my teeth.
I can't see that it would mean that all my teeth are dead so I'm sorry but I think that you are wrong with regards to that.
I'm sure in 43 years if all my teeth are dead that a dentist would have told me.
I've always felt I'm fortunate that I don't have sensitivity and would have thought that would mean that my teeth and gums were healthy like the dentists always tell me. How on earth could all my teeth have been dead from the time that I got my teeth through as a child?
Forgot to say the tooth is not dark it is a normal colour. I asked if it was infected and she said no. I was worried about that due to the CFS as years ago I had an abscess under a tooth and it made me quite sick. She never said the tooth was dead only that due to the chip I needed a crown.


Senior Member
Great Plains, US
I hope everything goes well with your tooth, talkcraft. I think it is worth having a crown done if it will prevent you from needing a root canal in the future. It's amazing how subjective dentistry is. I started getting second opinions on dental work and was surprised at the range of opinions.

Hey Roxie, I have the same problem you have in that normal amounts of anesthetic don't do the job of preventing pain during dental work. Finally I had a good dentist who figured out what anesthetic works on me. It's called Septocaine. He warned me that it would leave my face numb for a while afterwards and I said "No problem!" it reminds me of the stuff I had as a kid.


Senior Member
Manchester UK
Hi Talkcraft
I have had a pretty awful time with dentists over the past three years. Its not in your head if you react to the injection, and it could be for a variety of reasons. I react worse to the shots with adrenaline or whatever, but I react to the ones without as well, just not as strongely. Like you, it is a marked response and quite unmistakeable. I personally would not go back to that dentist as they sound money hungry and arrogant. I would also never let anyone give me a another root filling or put anymore metal in my mouth.