Hi all!:Retro smile:I"ve been under the care of a Neurologist for about twelve years.
I'm seen by him every 3 months for "monitoring". Last year he dx'd me with MCI (Mild Cognitive Impairment)...a transition period between brain "aging" and the onset of Alzheimers, for example. (not everyone goes on the develop Alz. but many do)...and wanted to start me on Aricept and Namenda...to slow the progression and "buy a few more years" as he said.
I tried to expalin that I really believed that what HE was seeing were the effects of ME/CFS...and declined the meds for the time being. When I saw him three months later I was in an upward trend with my cog/memory probs...and he actually REVERSED his dx!
I returned to him earlier than my normal appointment...and guess what?...RE-dx'd with MCI (I was in a downward mode!) We'll see in March (my next appt.)...I think he's beginning to dread my visits!
Now...4 years ago my Infectious Disease doc started me on long-term high dose acyclovir (he felt that chronic enteroviruses had obviously affected my brain as well as heart)...and he chose this route for me.
At the time I started the AV's I couldn't read, understand what was said to me, couldn't learn new things (tasks or information)...or remember much of anything. It felt like bits of my memory were continually being erased..not to mention suffering from horrific headaches and a sensation of "Brain Pain"!
At about the 1.5 year mark of taking the acyclovir..I began to notice a difference...gradual at first - then more profound. I could read/comprehend, write and absorb new info. But as wonderful as that is...the slightest over-exertion (mental or physical, with accompanying PEM) takes it all away.
My I.D. Dr. credits the AV with any improvement...it SEEMS as though that is the cause..as I haven't done anything alse. But I still can't say for sure.
I haven't the faintest idea regarding my I.Q....and my formal education is spotty! As a lifelong "working" artist I never was able to pursue the Education I wanted, to my regret. But I was a "reader" and attempted to educate myself as best I could...and strangely enough had, at one time, a nearly photographic memory!
That ability was the first thing to go when I got sick...and when I'm feeling "clear" now - I get snatches of that back! Weird!?
I certainly sympathize with everyone dealing with this - especially the young ones!
BTW..have had quite a few MRI's, a BAER and even an LP (in the early stages to try and rule out MS)...they show a few white lesions. But what I WANT is A SPECT!...or whatever the newer version is! My Insurance says "NO!"
jackie:Retro wink: