I suffer a great deal with the 'wired but tired' state. It's like I can't calm down and am on edge and restless all of the time. I know that it is very important to get out of this state so I can truly rest and give my body the break it needs, and am currently trying different things to achieve this.
However, one thing I'm stuck on is my noise sensitivity. Noise - esp talking, the tv, radio, music, anything loud - makes me so much worse. I don't think I'm ever going to calm down unless I am in a very quiet environment, because the slightest noise puts my body in a panic state (unless I am the one in control of it - for example if I am in a silent house but feel well enough to have some relaxing TV show on low, or some classical music - I can cope).
But, the thing is I live at home with my parents and brother who are noisy, and I do not have the money to move out and get my own place. My parents are at home all day as they are retired, and spend all day talking loudly in the living room, watching tv, listening to the radio, etc. I simply cannot escape the noise - it is constant. Even when I am in a different room I can usually still hear the noise, or am on edge because I know that they will be noisy soon.
I have tried ear plugs and ear muffs, but found that they did not cut out enough noise. Plus I found listening to my heartbeat also made me feel bad, probably because I have a fast heart rate and suffer palpitations.
I'm wondering - what can I do? Is anyone else in a similar situation of being sensitive to noise, and yet unable to escape it? I've talked to my family about this a number of times but they don't really understand, and I guess it's unrealistic to expect them to become really quiet.
I'm kind of desperate here as I'm just not sure I'm ever going to get much better unless I can somehow reduce the noise I am exposed to, so any advice would be welcome, no matter how small.
Thanks, Lucinda x
I suffer a great deal with the 'wired but tired' state. It's like I can't calm down and am on edge and restless all of the time. I know that it is very important to get out of this state so I can truly rest and give my body the break it needs, and am currently trying different things to achieve this.
However, one thing I'm stuck on is my noise sensitivity. Noise - esp talking, the tv, radio, music, anything loud - makes me so much worse. I don't think I'm ever going to calm down unless I am in a very quiet environment, because the slightest noise puts my body in a panic state (unless I am the one in control of it - for example if I am in a silent house but feel well enough to have some relaxing TV show on low, or some classical music - I can cope).
But, the thing is I live at home with my parents and brother who are noisy, and I do not have the money to move out and get my own place. My parents are at home all day as they are retired, and spend all day talking loudly in the living room, watching tv, listening to the radio, etc. I simply cannot escape the noise - it is constant. Even when I am in a different room I can usually still hear the noise, or am on edge because I know that they will be noisy soon.
I have tried ear plugs and ear muffs, but found that they did not cut out enough noise. Plus I found listening to my heartbeat also made me feel bad, probably because I have a fast heart rate and suffer palpitations.
I'm wondering - what can I do? Is anyone else in a similar situation of being sensitive to noise, and yet unable to escape it? I've talked to my family about this a number of times but they don't really understand, and I guess it's unrealistic to expect them to become really quiet.
I'm kind of desperate here as I'm just not sure I'm ever going to get much better unless I can somehow reduce the noise I am exposed to, so any advice would be welcome, no matter how small.
Thanks, Lucinda x