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ME/CFS Conference to be Held in Denmark
The first ME / CFS conference in Denmark will be held on the 28th of May, 2010 at Bispebjerg Hospital in Copenhagen. Organizers are the Danish ME/CFS Association and the European Society of ME (ESME). The conference aims to educate physicians and other healthcare professionals in how to recognize, diagnose and treat ME/CFS. The title of the conference is:
Diagnosing and treating G93.3
- ME (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis)
- CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome)
- PVFS (Post-viral Fatigue Syndrome)
Two ME experts and a nutritionist will share their experiences with ME/CFS patients. They are: Dr. Mette Johnsgaard from Lillestrm Health Clinic in Norway, Dr. Ritchie Shoemaker from Chronic Neurotoxins in Maryland, USA, and nutrition expert Christine Tobback from Himmunitas, Belgium. Prof. Malcolm Hooper, UK, will talk about health politics concerning ME/CFS.
Doctors, nurses, nutrition therapists, physiotherapists, dentists, and other health care professionals are very welcome to participate. Although this conference is not open to patients, we hope to arrange a patient conference at a later date.
The conference will be given in English.
The provisional agenda is:
13:00 to 13:30 Registration - coffee and refreshments
13:30 to 13:45 ME/CFS patients in the Danish healthcare system
- Prof. Malcolm Hooper
13:45 to 14:15 Facts and Figures about ME - Bieke Verleys from ESME
14:15 to 15:00 Research at the Scandinavian Institute for ME, today and tomorrow
- Dr. Johnsgaard
15:00 to 15:15 Coffee and refreshments
15:15 to 16:00 Treatment protocols at the Scandinavian Institute for ME
- Dr. Johnsgaard
16:00 to 17:00 "The Significance of Multiple Food Intolerances in ME and Relevance of Individual Dietary Guidelines"
- Christine Tobback
17:00 to 18:00 Dinner
18:00 to 20:00 "The Academic Basis for the Treatment of ME/CFS in 2010"
- Dr. Shoemaker
20:00 to 20:45 Questions and discussion
The price is 750 Dkk for physicians and other healthcare professionals and 375 Dkk for students when they show their student ID.
- Sign up here
Registration deadline is the 14th of May, 2010.