Danish ME Conference (28 May) & Petition Deputation (12 May)


The game is afoot

ME/CFS Conference to be Held in Denmark

The first ME / CFS conference in Denmark will be held on the 28th of May, 2010 at Bispebjerg Hospital in Copenhagen. Organizers are the Danish ME/CFS Association and the European Society of ME (ESME). The conference aims to educate physicians and other healthcare professionals in how to recognize, diagnose and treat ME/CFS. The title of the conference is:

Diagnosing and treating G93.3
- ME (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis)
- CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome)
- PVFS (Post-viral Fatigue Syndrome)

Two ME experts and a nutritionist will share their experiences with ME/CFS patients. They are: Dr. Mette Johnsgaard from Lillestrm Health Clinic in Norway, Dr. Ritchie Shoemaker from Chronic Neurotoxins in Maryland, USA, and nutrition expert Christine Tobback from Himmunitas, Belgium. Prof. Malcolm Hooper, UK, will talk about health politics concerning ME/CFS.

Doctors, nurses, nutrition therapists, physiotherapists, dentists, and other health care professionals are very welcome to participate. Although this conference is not open to patients, we hope to arrange a patient conference at a later date.

The conference will be given in English.

The provisional agenda is:

13:00 to 13:30 Registration - coffee and refreshments

13:30 to 13:45 ME/CFS patients in the Danish healthcare system
- Prof. Malcolm Hooper

13:45 to 14:15 Facts and Figures about ME - Bieke Verleys from ESME

14:15 to 15:00 Research at the Scandinavian Institute for ME, today and tomorrow
- Dr. Johnsgaard

15:00 to 15:15 Coffee and refreshments

15:15 to 16:00 Treatment protocols at the Scandinavian Institute for ME
- Dr. Johnsgaard

16:00 to 17:00 "The Significance of Multiple Food Intolerances in ME and Relevance of Individual Dietary Guidelines"
- Christine Tobback

17:00 to 18:00 Dinner

18:00 to 20:00 "The Academic Basis for the Treatment of ME/CFS in 2010"
- Dr. Shoemaker

20:00 to 20:45 Questions and discussion

The price is 750 Dkk for physicians and other healthcare professionals and 375 Dkk for students when they show their student ID.

- Sign up here

Registration deadline is the 14th of May, 2010.


The game is afoot
Also, it seems that the Danish ME/CFS Association is sending a deputation with a petition to the National Board of Health on 12th May. Good luck, Denmark.


Please help improve conditions for CFS patients!

As some of you may know, is a politician, Liselott Blixt (Party), which is interested in ME / CFS. She has previously sent parliament a series of questions about our disease. These can be found here:

Her latest questions and subsequent discussion with Health Minister Jakob Axel Nielsen, can also be seen. It's called: S 794 About diagnosed with CFS. For years, the Danish ME / CFS Association wrote letters to the government to complain about how ME/CFS- patients being treated in the UK - and yet very little changed.

When I met with LL Blixt in February 2009, she suggested that I could send a deputation. This can be done by asking to get 15 minutes before the health committee meeting to tell the committee about an issue that requires its attention.

LL Blitz has pledged that she would support me in this. After a discussion with our association board, we agreed that this is the best way we can get attention in the health system. I therefore intend to apply for permission to send a deputation.

We will try to get an audience with the health committee in November. In connection with this, I planned a petition. On deputation day I will deliver the signatures to the Health Committee.

I hope that we get at least 1,000 signatures. This will show the Committee that our problems regarding. lack of treatment options, many people's attention. Click here to see an opinion with space for signatures , so can your friends and families to join. In his opinion, we ask one another about the treatment of CFS patients in Denmark. Click here to print a page of facts about ME / CFS, which can be used in connection with the petition. Help us by providing as many signatures as possible and send them to:

Rebecca Hansen
Bin Vnget 2
8840 Rdkrsbro.

Many of the patients I talk to, want to help to help to change things in Denmark, but most are usually too sick to be able to do very much active. But almost all CFS patients and their relatives can sign a petition.

Help do your part to change the situation of CFS patients in Denmark. Sign this and send it to me.

Rebecca Hansen
ME / CFS Patients