Daily Worldwide Prayer for ME/CFS/FM - Please Join



Hi Cloud,

Beautiful name, BTW...

Thanks for joining with us in prayer...

I'm interested in the Findhorn Gardens books - is it a series - what are they about?

God Bless,


Thanks Elisabeth,

Cloud is my alter ego in animated form, lol. He is a warrior leader in the Final Fantasy series. The avatar picture won't animate on this site.

I feel community prayer and meditation is very powerful, and I'm all in for that. Let me know if you agree on a time.

The Findhorn Garden story is more about meditating and praying with plants, and not just for them. Some folks in Findhorn Scotland got together and created a commune living type situation where they lived deliberately with the plant life. They grew HUGE vegetation as a result of the energy exchange. If you were to read the books, I would start with the first one....sorry don't remember the name...it was long ago. They do have a website:



Senior Member
Victoria, Australia
I have been and will continue to pray for this breakthrough also, as and when I remember! Maybe my 8:30pm or thereabouts (EST Australia - which is hours ahead of most of you guys - lol) when I take my evening Lyrica dose.
Lakewood Ranch Fl
This is so awesome. I want to thank you for praying for me and I will be doing the same for all of you who suffer with ME/CFS, including those who may not know a diagnosis.
Hi Cloud,

I'm intrigued by the Findhorn community - thanks so much. It really is so peaceful with nature and plants - I really feel it.

I will post worldwide times on the facebook page for "Worldwide Prayer for ME/CFS/FM?"

In case anyone wants to join on Facebook the link is :


I am thinking about two (2) prayer times - one for the US in the evening and one for the UK in the evening. I want it to be convenient for everyone.

Welcome to Francelle, Helsbells, and Becky - so happy you are praying with us!

I have a long list now of all those praying...:Retro smile: which is GREAT!!!!!!

God Bless,



Senior Member
Deffinately early evening would work - 8ish would be good after dinner but before I start winding down - more likely to stick to it!


Senior Member
Southern California
Such a great idea, to have a set time...reminds me of the TM meditators who, if I remember correctly, reduced violence in local areas when a large group meditated together at certain times.

Count me in! :)
Hi All,

Just checking in with everyone. I am still praying everyday at the EST time of 9PM...I'm also praying for each of you. It really seems to help - letting God know that we really need a cause or causes identified, a cure or cures and of course, prayers for all those suffering daily. I ask Him to bless us all with healing and help.

God Bless,

Hi Everyone!

I'm still praying and will continue...hope we have more join in. It's a great experience. I pray for a cause or causes, cure or cures and for all those suffering worldwide to be comforted and healed... Leave me a quick reply if you want to participate or join our Facebook page by the same name " Daily Worldwide Prayer for ME/CFS/FM."

God Bless,



Senior Member
i have been praying since i signed up and just knowing all of you are praying for me as i am for you, definately makes a difference.
thanks so much for starting the Prayer chain! as most of my friends are off living life, and the family is doing the same, it's comforting to

know People are there, Praying and caring about ya :) thanks again. see you in prayer

{{Hugs}} Kat
Hi Kat,

I am soooooo happy to hear from you - I feel the exact same way - it really feels great to pray for you and everyone daily. I really feel that God hears us and it's great to know that we are talking and praying to Him together.

Thanks so much for letting me know you are still praying with me - it's so inspiring!

God Bless,



Senior Member
Hey all,
Just wanted to let everyone know here on our prayer chain, that i am going in for a cat scan today to see if i need to have my gallbladder taken out.

Please keep me in your Prayers today, as i do the same for everyone here! godd bless everyone :)

Lord, look upon me with eyes of mercy, may your healing hand rest upon me, may your lifegiving powers flow into every cell of my body and into the depths of my soul, cleansing, purifying, restoring me to wholeness and strength for service in your Kingdom. Amen.
Hi Kat!!!

I will pray for you - even more now - ugg gallbadder that's no fun.

I read an article in one of my newsletters (dr Jonathan Wright) that for many w/ gallbladder problems it can be from food allergies to egg, tomatoes or pork etc - there was a list of foods that were more likely to cause the gallbladder to spasm etc. I know for my family it was tomatoes...

I so hope you are feeling better and am so glad you are praying with all of us - its comforting!

God Bless you Kat - hang in there - it's doubly hard with this ME/CFS...

Hi Everyone

Just wanted to check in with everyone and let you know I am still praying at 9PM EST as part of the "Daily Worldwide Prayer for ME/CFS/FM"...

If you're still praying too let me know it always helps to think of others when praying.

I have a really long list, like Santa's, of those I pray for/with too!

I am hoping that collectively we can move the help and healing we all receive forward!

Thanks again,

Have only just found this thread. I've been looking for a prayer group to join, so very happy to find this. And it's Easter!

Thank you Eliabeth. God bless and Happy Easter.


Senior Member
Happy Easter rosa, qnd everyone! Have a blessed peaceful, and pain free day.

" his grave is empty, my redeemer lives"

{{ hugs}} kat