D-Ribose, Bioenergy vs normal?


Senior Member

I wonder what the difference between these two is. Bioenergy company seems to be one of these companies who do an agreesive marketing and advertising campaign, which often means to me that such product is probably overpriced and overhyped.

On the price I can tell that it doesn't seem much more expensive than the usual D-Ribose. But my question is, is it really that much of a difference, or will any Ribose just do the same for me I wonder?

I hope to get to know about your experience so far, D-Ribose seems to be especially beneficial for mitochondrial dysfunction and supposedly helps with ATP production, which is my biggest wish to achieve as I suffer from very low ATP production. So any help appreciated

kind regards


Senior Member
Here's what the company of Bioenergy tells why to use theirs over any others: (sounds blabla)

Four reasons your D-Ribose should be Bioenergy Ribose

1.It’s the only Ribose that’s GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe).
Oh, well ....
2.It’s the highest quality in the industry.
[...]averages over 99% pure[...]
MP D-Ribose 99.1% pure (CoA link see bottom)
3.We are The Ribose Company™, with the scientific and product development experience to support you.
mmmm, oh yeah, sure
4.Our patents require it!
Now that's just ridiculous
Full text PDF:
http://www.bioenergyribose.com/sites/default/files/Infringement Flyer_REV 2-8-13.pdf

COA of MP D-Ribose:

Even though Dr. Teitelbaums study used Bioenergy, it looks to me that Ribose is Ribose just like the thing with Creapure, which is overpriced and no better than Creatine MH.

But I might be wrong though, anyone tried both? I've read a testimonial on D-Ribose from BE and it claims that the BE gave him more intense effects at lower dosages compared to usual D-Ribose. edit (review): http://forums.phoenixrising.me/inde...it-make-you-feel-bad.23173/page-2#post-354768

Anyone here tried both D-Ribose and if so, whith what results?


Senior Member
My mom who has ME got rid of the horrible heart palpitations a couple years ago by using the Sinatra protocol, which includes Ribose, magnesium, carnitine and I forget what else.


Senior Member
I have just had a look on my D Ribose container and it says Bioenergy on it. Perhaps I will try one without later on and see if there is any difference ? Be interesting to know. Good question amaru7.


Senior Member
I'm afraid this could be one of the supplements which aren't going to give me a clinically significant improvement anyway since I am struggling with a seriously severe mito disease for as far as I can think back, which is a negative prognosis

I'm also thinking about highly effective treatments like Human Growth Hormone and Erythropoetin, unfortunately this stuff is expensive and even if I get the money somehow, the expected results are questionable at best- but what can I say? My memory is shot, I'm too dysfunctional mentally and physically and I feel like dying everyday with no chance to relax myself constantly looking and searching for the holy grail for years now with only little success- I can't hold on much longer and probably gonna leave this alltogether if I don't find a way to worthy living,

After my research, I have an extensive treatment planned, D-Ribose included and HRT as stated (maybe T4 added), hoping it is not all wasted effort and money on my broken self. -. this disease has assasinated most of my mind, body and unfortunately my character included which makes it even harder to recieve sympathy,- from the few ppl left that are left in real life.....:(


Senior Member
I take BioEnergyC, which is vitamin C buffered with ribose. It's a very nice product, but kind of expensive and hard to find. I get it from my naturopath, so that makes it easy. I get a nice little boost of energy from it, which is why I've continued to take it.

However, that being said, if you're searching for some ribose to take, I would go to iHerb and find a brand that is the same form as the BioEnergy ribose, if possible. Then read the reviews of real people, and pick out a good one like that. It will likely be much cheaper and just as effective.

On the other hand, what would it hurt to try one bottle of the BioEnergy and see what you think? As money is an issue, a couple of times, I've asked for people on here to send me samples of a supp I'm thinking about trying. People have generously done so, and I would be happy to do the same. This is another option.

My bottle says the ribose is glycine methyl sulfone ribose, which is methylated glycine complexed with MSM (methyl sulfone) and also ribose RNA and nucleotides. This is supposed to be a proprietary formula.

Hmmm. Some thoughts on that - if you have the CBS mutation and it's expressed, then this is a sulfur source that might not be the best thing to take. I wonder if this is why it took me so long to treat my CBS mutation, because I was still taking this and didn't realize there was sulfur in it.

ps. Amaru7, are you diagnosed with something like mitochondrial myopathy, or is it more like your mitos are fried as a consequence of ME/CFS due to toxins/nutrient deficiencies, etc.?


Senior Member
Gosh I am feeling for you amaru7. I spent years and years in that same place, so deathly ill and my symptoms so unbearable. Couldn't even talk or think, I just layed there like the living dead. I don't know how I got through it. It traumatized me so badly, I was just one agonized mess for many many years. I am improved but still very much on the rollercoaser. And trying to keep my head together.

Are you suffering both ME and a mito disease ? I hope you don't mind me asking?
I personally would try the bio energy ribose over the other one, but that is for you to decide of course.

It is hard being sick all the time, day after day. People don't understand what you are going through. We are just surviving with the little strength we have. Having to work out our illness and find treatments is almost too much for our brains and getting to an appointment is hellish nightmare. It's a mean illness.

Please hold on, rest as much as you can, I know you are probably so fed up with having to rest. I will have some prayers for you, that you find some extra strength to keep going. Be thinking of you. Lots of love to you xxx


Senior Member
...just one agonized mess for many many years.
You speak from my heart rosie26, I sometimes ask myself why am I living when all I really do is suffering day in day out..

Are you suffering both ME and a mito disease ? I hope you don't mind me asking?
According to Sarah Myhill Mitochondrial dysfunction is the basis of ME disease. So yeah I have very low ATP in granulocytes and therefore the feeling that I'm falling apart mentally and physically all the time. And according to the consensus questionare I also have CFIDS/ME.

I personally would try the bio energy ribose over the other one, but that is for you to decide of course.
Any reason for that or is it just personal preferance?

It is hard being sick all the time, day after day. People don't understand what you are going through. We are just surviving with the little strength we have. Having to work out our illness and find treatments is almost too much for our brains and getting to an appointment is hellish nightmare. It's a mean illness.

After many years of suffering and getting misdiagnosed by psychiatrists, only lately I learned that it is CFIDS, so all the time I wouldn't allow myself to rest trying to push the envelope through trying to work, study, work, socialise, martial arts. bodybuilding, party and fail fail fail. I'd never know whats going on and I just listened to the "nice" people telling me that if I really tried I'll make it, so I believed and followed that advice only to know that now I'm more of a mess and while always giving 400%, people kept telling me that my working is bad, that I am not socializing well and that I should try harder. I can say that my past 8years where living nightmare and the worse thing is that none of the people I came past had any understanding and few empathy. I'd rather I have MS, a brain tumour, heart disease or diabetes, stroke so that at least that harsh subtile critisism I encounter that it's "all in my head" would vanish-

Please hold on, rest as much as you can, I know you are probably so fed up with having to rest. I will have some prayers for you, that you find some extra strength to keep going. Be thinking of you. Lots of love to you xxx
So right my Rosie, thank you for your kind loving words. That's really what I needed .-


Senior Member
caledonia: I have a COMT V158 +/+ so as Vitamin C uses COMT for metabolism, I try avoid supplementing with it other possible mutations are not tested for yet. Pure Ribose probably would be better. My diagnosis is mitochondrial dysfunction due to self-intoxication as I was smoking marijuana for years, but I'm sober now for 1.5 yrs now. I don't know if it's also partially inherited or the drug abuse was the main cause for the disease. The drug use definitly led to a significant decline in my health situation and now my thought is to do something for a good amount of money as an extensive treatment is very expensive and it probably wouldn't be legal, but I'm desperate an I'm not able to convince rich relatives to help, because my disease is not known and treatments are experimental at best..


Senior Member
amaru7 - the good news is you can get a lot better than where you are now. There is definitely hope. Getting off the marijuana is a great step, and I'm glad you've already done so.

It sounds like you've already gotten your SNPs tested, which is another good move. Can you post them in your signature, so I can take a look at them? Also the detox SNPs if you have those. You can get both by running your 23andme zip file through geneticgenie.org.

Can you tell us what country you're in so we can have an idea of what resources might be available?

I think I would skip experimenting with Human Growth Hormone, etc, but thyroid support should be done if indicated by testing. The trick is getting the right testing.

To get an overview of where I'm going with all this hope stuff, watch the Methylation Made Easy videos (the link is in my signature).


Senior Member
Hi @Amaru

About the D Ribose, I heard or read that the bioenergy one was the best to get. I don't remember where I heard or read it. It has worked for me - so will stick with it. It noticeably decreases some inflammation in my muscles and that decrease in inflammation seems to also decrease nausea in me I have found - so you could imagine how pleased I am with that. I only started on D Ribose last year, the beginning of my 12th ME year - so don't know if it would have helped me in my severe years. I am extremely intolerant to pills and potions, so have gone through this illness with next to nothing help.

Please remember that you share these agonizing experiences with us, most of us have gone through those agonized years, night and day agonized. I never thought I was going to come out of my severe years. It dragged on and on with little or minimal improvement. Improvement year by year was so tiny is was an anathema to me !! But I held out and I am glad I did as I am much more comfortable now and can do more. ME is one hell of a ride, in a very weakened state.

Be firm in a quietly dignified speaking voice in letting family, friends know you have ME. They will slowly take it in over time. Walk away from them if they want to debate it on and on, as you can waste a lot of energy trying to explain over and over again. I'm so glad you felt the warmth I sent to you. Love and kindness always goes a long way. :) xx


Alone & Wandering
Zogor-Ndreaj, Shkodër, Albania
I'm afraid this could be one of the supplements which aren't going to give me a clinically significant improvement anyway since I am struggling with a seriously severe mito disease for as far as I can think back, which is a negative prognosis

I'm also thinking about highly effective treatments like Human Growth Hormone and Erythropoetin, unfortunately this stuff is expensive and even if I get the money somehow, the expected results are questionable at best- but what can I say? My memory is shot, I'm too dysfunctional mentally and physically and I feel like dying everyday with no chance to relax myself constantly looking and searching for the holy grail for years now with only little success- I can't hold on much longer and probably gonna leave this alltogether if I don't find a way to worthy living,

After my research, I have an extensive treatment planned, D-Ribose included and HRT as stated (maybe T4 added), hoping it is not all wasted effort and money on my broken self. -. this disease has assasinated most of my mind, body and unfortunately my character included which makes it even harder to recieve sympathy,- from the few ppl left that are left in real life.....:(

It may not feel like it man, but there's plenty of us exactly in the same situation as you.

Every morning I think why should I get up? Whats there in store for me today that will be different from the previous 6000 days?

I'll never be happy with anything less than 100% health. But it feels like I'm chasing my own tail. You know?

But just so you know, your not alone.