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Cutler metal detox

I read a few comments on this in the past, but nothing definitive. Has anyone recovered with this protocol or is the best best possible improved symptoms? Would love opinions from anyone that tried it.


Senior Member
I thought there have been a lot of success stories from people using the Cutler protocol, but not necessarily on this site. I remember reading quite a few testimonies of people who did it and felt a lot better but not 100%. I am sure there are a number of Youtube vids with people posting their progress. I was not a strong candidate for mercury poisoning based on hair & urine tests, but reading of others experiences / symptoms with Hg posioning I still wanted to give it a shot since I had poor health. I actually found I had a pick up with cognition & libido, but I developed bad eczema on my face. That could be assumed to be a sign of detox, but it hated it. I dropped the ALA dose back down and it helped reduce the eczema , but I was not making enough progress health wise as the months went by to compensate for waking up every 3 hrs to take the ALA that I eventually got tired of doing it.
I thought there have been a lot of success stories from people using the Cutler protocol, but not necessarily on this site. I remember reading quite a few testimonies of people who did it and felt a lot better but not 100%. I am sure there are a number of Youtube vids with people posting their progress. I was not a strong candidate for mercury poisoning based on hair & urine tests, but reading of others experiences / symptoms with Hg posioning I still wanted to give it a shot since I had poor health. I actually found I had a pick up with cognition & libido, but I developed bad eczema on my face. That could be assumed to be a sign of detox, but it hated it. I dropped the ALA dose back down and it helped reduce the eczema , but I was not making enough progress health wise as the months went by to compensate for waking up every 3 hrs to take the ALA that I eventually got tired of doing it.

Makes sense, thanks