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Customized Nutrtional IVs - Has Anyone Benefited?


Senior Member
Southern California
Hey guys,

I'm considering doing nutritional IVs at a clinic that customizes their ingredients based on NutraEval results.

I know that Meyers cocktails are helpful for some, but I haven't read many customized IV reports.

I also know there are mixed opinions on the validity of NutraEval (and Genova in general).

I'd likely forgo IV glutathione as an ingredient due to the fact that it can make some much worse, but vitamins, minerals, and amino acids seem reasonably safe.

I would assume this would be an ongoing maintenance treatment to attain a certain level of functionality.


Has anyone here benefited from customized nutritional IVs based on lab testing?
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Toronto, ON
Yes, when I was more toward mild with moderate crashes. I had an initial round of testing. I started with Meyers, but found not much benefit. Then switched to a 'mini drip with high dose vitamin C >20g, minerals, etc', and those were wonderful and could 'safely super charge' me for a couple of days (i.e. move to a likely good day after IV and maybe next day). The extra performance, if cautiously paced, would not be penalized with PEM.

A step-down into full moderate, all the time (with crashes), and the IVs were no longer effective for me.
I think I was originally being treating for viral/bacterial/mycoplasma at the initial stage when the IVs helped. Subsequently, I had (a series of?) mold exposures that dropped me to a new low, and IVs are of no benefit. That was fortunate, as I was off work, and insurance... so savings welcome, though sad to lose a treatment that helped.

So, I have a double/tri subgroup doozy- ME/CFS(EBV/mycopl) and CIRS. Yeesh. I guess that makes me bilingual though: I speak ME and Moldie.


Senior Member
Southern California
Thanks @MastBCrazy

Sorry to hear mold dropped your level :/

Were the IVs that helped you based on lab testing? And what's an example of something you were able to do while on the IVs that you couldn't otherwise?
Toronto, ON
With a practitioner that understands, it can be a great tool. I was tested for nutritional levels (blood, hair, urine), heavy metals, organic acids, etc. and the physician was trained as an immunologist, and really understood and thought about what he was doing (very rare and special- knows physiology, even when it isn't working properly, and how to nudge it back into place/corral).

It's been ?2 years? and symptom severity is impinging on memory, but it would improve my function (decreased symptoms and increased stamina), more if 4-8hrs later. Next day would be good. Say I could tolerate a small grocery store, it might stretch me to a Costco big box store, but I'd be tanked after.
I did them routinely to try and super charge me slightly to boost my baseline function and the reliability of the function.
For me, other things could sometimes interfere, like: diet deviations, toxin exposures, allergy/histamine responses (the IV typically calmed these, but the boost may be lacking), an overage or pacing failure.