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Senior Member
Hayden, Idaho
I post this here because this is a multisystem, multi affect therapy, but have any of you had experience with any sort of cryotherapy? cold based therapy? (Ice bath, swimming in lake, cold sauna, etc..) I believe I have heard (maybe anecdotal) evidence of some "recovered" people having used cryotherapy to help recover. If you have used it, what symptoms did it help and was it effective longer term? Also, pain is not a symptom of mine, so dont try to tell me away with warnings of pain problems. I struggle with some Autonomic stuff and fatigue mostly.


Senior Member
I've tried different things over the decades. Cold plunge pools (I used to have access to a spa with a very cold one), cold pools, cold seas. The symptoms that were helped by this were 1. pain 2. POTS 3. burning feeling in the body. I've always enjoyed cold water.

My core ME viral type symptoms were not improved. Possibly because there was always an element of PEM on getting to the location and the changing into swimming gear etc and probably overdoing feeling better in cold water and moving around.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
I post this here because this is a multisystem, multi affect therapy, but have any of you had experience with any sort of cryotherapy? cold based therapy? (Ice bath, swimming in lake, cold sauna, etc..) I believe I have heard (maybe anecdotal) evidence of some "recovered" people having used cryotherapy to help recover. If you have used it, what symptoms did it help and was it effective longer term? Also, pain is not a symptom of mine, so dont try to tell me away with warnings of pain problems. I struggle with some Autonomic stuff and fatigue mostly.

Here is a thread on it. And here is another one discussing it.


perchance dreamer

Senior Member
I had sessions at a cryotherapy place here in town, but it over activated my sympathetic nervous system, I think, and gave me bad sleep problems, even with early morning sessions. They haven't had anyone else react like that, though, so I think my reaction was unusual.

It's too bad. I liked the sensation, and it helped for pain. It's also energizing.


Senior Member
I've tried different things over the decades. Cold plunge pools (I used to have access to a spa with a very cold one), cold pools, cold seas. The symptoms that were helped by this were 1. pain 2. POTS 3. burning feeling in the body. I've always enjoyed cold water.

My core ME viral type symptoms were not improved. Possibly because there was always an element of PEM on getting to the location and the changing into swimming gear etc and probably overdoing feeling better in cold water and moving around.
@ukxmrv what symptoms of pots did it help if you don't mind me asking?


Senior Member
Logan, Queensland, Australia
Cryotherapy was something I first heard about in 1993. My CFS doc at the time thought it might help because it can shock the brain and cause it to modify its response to autonomic factors. In other words, its a potential treatment for dysautonomia. Despite being used for over two decades now, and some occasional success stories, its not ever been considered effective in most cases.


Senior Member
Fragelle rock, USA
Mayweather used one before his fight with paan. It was a stand up that used dry ice to go super cold. -35 or something.

His head was out and did it for 5 min or something outrageous


Senior Member
@ukxmrv what symptoms of pots did it help if you don't mind me asking?

I could stand up for longer without feeling faint / nausea and having the usual HR and BP problems that I do set in quickly. I could walk better and longer.

Really enjoy feeling cold as well. Noticed at the start of this illness (acute onset viral ME) that I could no longer shiver. Most of the time I feel terribly hot even if my limbs are cold to the touch. I only feel cold normally in the early mornings and if have bad PEM or an acute illness.


Senior Member
I could stand up for longer without feeling faint / nausea and having the usual HR and BP problems that I do set in quickly. I could walk better and longer.

Really enjoy feeling cold as well. Noticed at the start of this illness (acute onset viral ME) that I could no longer shiver. Most of the time I feel terribly hot even if my limbs are cold to the touch. I only feel cold normally in the early mornings and if have bad PEM or an acute illness.

That's very interesting. I've noticed I like the cold more than I used to. Do you still treat yourself in this way or have you stopped? If you stopped, what made you stop?


Senior Member
I no longer have access to a cold plunge pool or sea bathing. When I did still have access to the pool I was spending months unable to use it in the end as I was too weak to change into swimming costume and get there. This was viral and due to ME. The cold bathing was helping the POTS but not the ME.
I was still getting sick with the flu or an infection which the cold bathing exertion was making worse.


Senior Member
I no longer have access to a cold plunge pool or sea bathing. When I did still have access to the pool I was spending months unable to use it in the end as I was too weak to change into swimming costume and get there. This was viral and due to ME. The cold bathing was helping the POTS but not the ME.
I was still getting sick with the flu or an infection which the cold bathing exertion was making worse.
I am sorry you do not still have access to what was helping some symptoms, also too bad about your me. I have heard, and you probably have too, about rituximab for me. What are your thoughts on it? Personally I wish it weren't potentially toxic of a treatment. I know it takes care of the b cell population, as does vagal nerve stimulation. So perhaps there is something that would stimulate the vagal nerve more effectively than the plunge pools. I have heard cryotherapy can get to -35F. I do not know how that compares to plunge pools. I'm also interested in electric stimulation.