Isn't it well within the bounds of possibility then, that XMRV can reactivate from the tonsillar reservoir under the right conditions? When the immune system is over-taxed, for example?
I believe you would need more research to confirm that, but could be a dignified possibility
Could XMRV be hard to find in the blood because it reactivates intermittently, so is only in the blood in measurable amounts immediately after reactivating?
This is one major possibilit, since most people with CFIDS(in my opinion) would have to test for XMRV during first 6 months of onset of CFIDS, OR test XMRV when in a horrible relapse when the person is basically bedbound with the flu symptoms for months on end. To me these would be the best times to test for current activation. Cheney also said something close to the first statement i mentioned. Also, tissue is probably going to be the most "profitable" for finding infection imo.
Could each reactivation spread infection to other tissues, so that the more reactivations one has had, the greater the tissue infection and possibly the greater effect on tissues/organs?
Idk about this personally, dont want to give a wrong answer.
Isn't the finding of a latent infection in human tonsillar lymphoid tissue a bigger deal than it might at first appear? Finding a possible reservoir from which XMRV might be "rally(ing) forth and attacking the body" is a valuable bit of the puzzle, isn't it?
In the connection of say, xmrv and ebv were able to pro long the life of eachother, and work as a coalition, they, i imagine, could do serious damage. This would go for more viruses as well, besides ebv. BUT, that all depends on if xmrv is the main culprit, and the immune system weakener. Or, the infection allowing these other infections to awaken, so to speak.
Or am I missing the mark entirely?
You're on point
Got tonsils?
INtresting this is, as whenever i push myself to far, I can feel a sore throat emerging like a knight out of the forest. It lingers there then strikes on its enemy (me unfortunately). Also, interesting my sister gets tonsillitis once a year or 2 at least, to the point where her sore throat invoked the thought of taking out her tonsils (non cfids patient).