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Crash last month...still feeling weird


Senior Member
North Carolina
So I woke up at 3am a month ago having a full blown panic attack. My heart was pounding..I was sweating. I have no idea what happened. This lasted almost three days and left me with an exhaustion I have never felt before. It took two weeks to not feel like I weighed 1000 pounds.

Now almost a month later I still don't feel right. I sometimes feel off balance when I walk...not dizzy but just a strange feeling. I get tired really quickly...my sleep seems okay but mornings I feel like I can't wake up. I also had burning eye pain for two weeks and then it just disappeared.

So I am wondering if maybe this was an adrenal crash or burnout. I am under a lot of stress with moving back to NH after only living in NC for 17 months. I had to pack and sell the house while my husband went up to work in NH.

I am taking supplements to help the adrenals but I still feel very strange. I also had a mini panic attack while shopping...just hit me while I was looking at clothes. In 11 years I have never felt this bizarre...off balance and weirdly tired. Any ideas?


Senior Member
This is what I've been experiencing lately. I am not diagnosed with CFS/ME. I am not prone to anxiety/panic attacks but experienced pretty much what you describe including the burning eyes. I am under a ton of stress.

What supplements do you take to help the adrenals? I know nothing about adrenal fatigue, and I am trying to get to the bottom of why I feel so fatigued and zapped of energy. I am interested in hearing what replies you get. ~Andielyn


Senior Member
North Carolina
Do you feel really wierd too? Like either off balance or sometimes like my head has a heavy feeling to it. I am not officially diagnosed with CFS either but am seeing a doctor who specializes in fatigue.

I am taking Adrecore from Neuroscience...also liquid vitamin C....vitamin D..Ashwagandha..Pantothenic acid...Magnesium...omega fish oil..COq 10...B6...and acetyl l carnitine. I know it seems a lot but this is what the doctor recommended. I also want to get some malic acid.

This has been a new experience for me because although I have had "crashes" before they have been nothing that felt like this..


Senior Member
@soxfan Not quite...I do experience periods of feeling either lightheaded or heavy-headed and dizzy but it's not a prominent symptom.


Senior Member
No, not.yet. I did call my GP and he prescribed an antianxiety med over the phone. Have you seen a cardiologist?


Senior Member
I have heart palpitations as part of my PEM. Mine gradually goes away, but like you, my adrenaline is all over the place if I overexert. Past few weeks I've been doing walking and stretches and felt generally ok.


Senior Member
North Carolina
Since this crash feels so different than any others I ever had i am really thinking it could be adrenal related. I have had incredible stress for about 5 years now due to various things and I believe I just got to the breaking point. I will keep trying the herbal supplements for a while and if I don't improve then I might have to go back on Cortef short term.

I have palpatations constantly...but mine are more of an acute awareness of my heart beating which actually feels like pounding.


Senior Member
I hope you feel better soon. If the heart palpitations continue I wouldn't overlook it unless you are sure why you are having them. ~Andielyn


Senior Member
North Carolina
I have had them for four years and like I stated I think they are just an acute awareness of my heart beat.
not beating abnormally etc.


ME/CFS since 1995; activity level 6?
Cornwall, UK
Have you had your electrolyte levels checked? Electrolyte deficiency or imbalance can cause very nasty symptoms. I felt terrible when I had hyponatraemia (low blood salt). Both times I had it really bad I had been under stress and over-exerting.


Senior Member
@soxfan How are you feeling? Still having heart palpitations and weird dizzy feelings? Just thinking of you and wondering where you are at with things.


Senior Member
North Carolina
I am doing somewhat better although there are days where I have the "off balance" feeling..it really isn't dizziness but more of just feeling strange. I have had the pounding heart sensation for about four years so I don't expect that to ever go away...

One good thing happened though is I went to my eye doctor because of the severe burning pain in my eyes which comes and goes and he suggested it could be from some type of inflammatory process because he said it WAS NOT due to dry eye.

Anyway he gave me prednisone drops to try and BAM the pain went away almost immediately. I only use them when I have the pain because obviously they are steroids...but I am so grateful he figured it out. Now the question is what is causing the inflammation!


Senior Member
Glad you are doing better. That's great the prednisone drops worked so well but yeah, need to figure out what is causing it. Wishing you well! Thanks for the update.


Senior Member
North Carolina
He thinks it could be bartonella rearing up again due to all the stress I am having..I have been treated many times over the past 8 years for it so I will be seeing my Lyme doctor next month...I am just so thankful I have relief from the burning pain...


Senior Member

There's quite a long list of things that can cause anxiety and panic. Let me get a few of the longshots out of the way before addressing the ones (in bold below) that may be more relevant to you:

* Licorice supplements (you said you were taking adrenal support supps)
* Hydrocortisone
* Low cortisol - i.e. adrenal crash (for most, non-hormone supplements are not enough to fix this)
* Thyroid hormones (T3, dessicated thyroid)
* DHEA supplements
* Levadopa
* A hit of mercury - e.g. having amalgams installed/removed; a vaccination; taking too much alpha lipoic acid
* Taking alpha lipoic acid with amalgams in
* Being deficient in a mineral such as zinc or potassium
* Too long on too much caffeine (coffee, but also black or green tea). Your AdreCor contains green tea extract.

* Tyrosine supplements (tyrosine is in your AdreCor)

* Acetyl l carntine is famous for causing panic, anxiety & 'other worldly' feelings

* Taking methylated folate and/or B12 (your AdreCor contains both) but not taking potassium, which they use up a lot of (potassium deficiency can cause heart palps, delerium, confusion)

* Taking l-histidine (it's in your AdreCor)

* Taking a supplement that unduly increases your norepinephrine levels.
"Moderately high levels of norepinephrine create a sense of arousal that becomes uncomfortable... Moderate increases create worry, anxiety, increased startle reflex, jumpiness, fears of crowds & tight places, impaired concentration, restless sleep... The physical symptoms may include rapid fatigue, muscle tension/cramps, irritability, and a sense of being on edge. Almost all anxiety disorders involve norepinephrine elevations... Severe and sudden increases in norepinephrine are associated with panic attacks." Panic attack symptoms include "Palpitations, pounding heart or rapid heart rate...trembling or shaking...Dizziness, lightheadedness...Sense of unreality, as though you are outside yourself." Your AdreCor contains Rhodiola, to promote norepinephrine.

Most of the above, at the right dosage, will not cause problems for most people. But you are obviously not most people.

If you think back to what you were eating/taking the week that this began, you might be able to work out the trigger.

More to the point, maybe, you are taking numerous supplements which are, in susceptible people, pro-anxiety and pro-panic.

Without further information, the ones in bold would be the prime suspects - especially the carnitine (ACL). In the susceptible - and there are many of us - too much carnitine can create anxiety, panic, restlessness, insomnia, fatigue, and above all feeling just plain weird. There is nothing so uniquely weird as carnitine weird.

ACL is sometimes prescribed for people coming off benzos such as Klonopin.

I would also be very suspicious of the AdreCor, which has six suspect ingredients. Many susceptible people would only need one of those to make them anxious, restless or panicky.

Most of the agents I list above are quite capable of causing extreme states of anxiety, not just mild or passing anxiety, in people - like me, and maybe you - who are sensitive to them.

Your home-moving stress is quite enough to have triggered (not 'caused') your present problems.

That your present state is new to you (not merely a continuation of old symptoms) suggests that something you changed in your nutritional regime, in the period leading up to it, might have laid the ground for it.

Finally, & more speculatively, if you have a history of "horrible mental fatigue from working...shopping...socializing", & of burning eyes, & of supplements having no effect on those things - and if you "can't relax ever" - you may want to look up pyroluria or pyrrole disorder. PD creates zinc & vitamin B6 deficiencies, which lead to anxiety - notably social anxiety - & allergies. (PD causes "poor stress control, nervousness, anxiety, mood swings, severe inner tension, episodic anger (an explosive temper), poor short-term memory and depression. Most pyrolurics exhibit at least two of these problems.")

Nothing much works to calm those symptoms - until you begin supplementing with decent doses of zinc, B6 & P5P (the active form of B6): whereupon the symptoms melt away, & other supplements often work better.

(Omega 3 fish oils make PD worse, and people with high histamine - such as many people with allergies - should not take l-histidine.)

Just about all the insults discussed above are very tough on your adrenals, of course.
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Senior Member
North Carolina
I have been taking the supplements for at least six weeks now. The Adrecore is just about gone. The only other supplements I take now are B2...malic acid...fish oil...magnesium...I know there is another one but can't think of it.

I just recently had a bad crash where I couldn't get out of bed due to pure draining exhaustion...like the life had been drained out of me.
I also had an afternoon/night of bad inner vibrations...and total bodily overstimulation.

I am seeing a totally new doctor next month and am hoping he can help figure this out. I haven't changed my food choices and still feel it was stress related trigger due to moving. I just am unable to get back to where I was before the panic attack.

Mental overstimulation is the worse...in fact the only thing that helps when I get the horrible body overstimulation feeling is klonopin...it helps so much...only .025 mg is all it takes.

Thanks for all the great info...I am discontinuing the Adrecore and acetyl l carnitine for now until I see my new doctor...nothing helps anyway.