Covid reinfection with pem question.


Senior Member
Feeling a bit better. Getting tested tomorrow.

something weird, my menta pem isnt nearly as bad, but it seems like its going back down maybe. Anybody have any idea why a infection mighth change pem? Or heard of this happening.

Really hopeful i keep these gains.

apparently on reddit others get this and its temp : /.

should i then look into immune suppresents?
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Senior Member
I rarely get colds or flu but when I have had a cold my ME feels better, I believe the cold kicks the immune system into functioning more appropriately. I’ve heard of several people experiencing this.


Senior Member
I rarely get colds or flu but when I have had a cold my ME feels better, I believe the cold kicks the immune system into functioning more appropriately. I’ve heard of several people experiencing this.

Have you taken any immune suppresent? I feel so much better, it’s like i can see the light for the first time in months, but i can feel it slipping.


Senior Member
no not yet - its not clear cut, some people have had improvemnet but others got worse - i'm going to see an internist who i'm hoping will be open to trying something like IVIG - but i'm afarid of the risks, not everyone has had success.


Senior Member
i'd like to try ivig as well, can't imagine though i'm sure its really hard. i knowthat sucks. after getting better for day and now getting worse def itching to try something that might work. hoping ampligen might be that ticket.


Senior Member
@Tammy thanks. I need a doctor to run some tests; trying to get there. Thinking on ampligen too.

Id rather just stay down with covid forever, better than me ; p

How is your day going?


Improved ME from 2 to 6
Alexandria, VA USA
I don't see a rationale for IVIG given that chronic viral infections inhibit the immune system to prevent defense. All IVIG is are adding antibodies however once the antibodies attach to the viruses you still need working killer T-cells to kill them through innate immunity. These are disabled so you can't complete the process and even if you could the virally infected cells would just generate more virions to continue the infections. The beginning of the process raises cytokine inflammation which would generate sickness behavior (inflammation, fatigue). Perhaps the reason people feel better is because they have to rest a lot and are distracted with new symptoms.

Epstein–Barr virus (EBV) is a ubiquitous human gamma herpesvirus with a tropism for B-cells and an ability to transform infected B-cells into lymphoblastoid cells capable of continuous growth. The majority of humans are infected with EBV, and the virus persists in the body for life. In addition to B-cells, EBV can also infect a variety of human cells such as T-cells, natural killer (NK)-cells and epithelial cells. The infection of T- and NK-cells can result in a wide spectrum of EBV-positive T-cell and NK-cell lymphoproliferative diseases (EBV-TNKLPD) which occur commonly in Asians and Native Americans from Central and South America.1

The spectrum of EBV-TNKLPD ranges from acute, self-limiting and non-neoplastic EBV-driven lesions to malignant, fulminant and aggressive diseases requiring stem cell transplantation (Table 1). EBV-associated haemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (EBV-HLH) is a non-neoplastic condition induced by a dysregulated immune reaction secondary to EBV infection.1
-Susan Swee-Shan Hue, Ming Liang Oon, Shi Wang, Soo-Yong Tan, Siok-Bian Ng,
Epstein–Barr virus-associated T- and NK-cell lymphoproliferative diseases: an update and diagnostic approach - ScienceDirect : an update and diagnostic approach, Pathology, Volume 52, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 111-127, ISSN 0031-3025,–Barr virus-associated T- and NK-cell lymphoproliferative diseases


Senior Member
Ok thanks. No it truly is less pem it has been aamazin. Like 1000000 percent increase in ability. I can watch tv now comfortable, could t at sll bdfore. Slipping back into pem now though.