Why does it look like an early form of XMRV?
Good question. I haven't seen a sequence comparison yet. Has anyone else run a BLAST or seen any other research info about this?
Good question. I haven't seen a sequence comparison yet. Has anyone else run a BLAST or seen any other research info about this?
Bob, RedRuth - This article by the IMEA seems to suggest JHK is a variant of XMRV: http://www.imeassoc.com/The_JHK_virus.html.
Sorry Bob - I've just noticed you posted the same link in post #7.
According to the other forum the sequence homology is 83% to VP62. So it is an MLV.
The early attempts at replication of Grossbergs studies looked at several viruses but did not look at MLVs at all.
I have a feeling the "no sequence homology with known viruses " bit may not be up to date.
(Or is it just to do with the fight to patent a new virus?)
According to the other forum the sequence homology is 83% to VP62. So it is an MLV.
why so? Any easy laymans term explanation possible?it's a gag gene though so maybe not the best for sequence comparisons.
How do you reach that conclusion? It has 99% sequence homology to Mouse chromosomal elements. It's also only 750ish bp.
why so? Any easy laymans term explanation possible?
I don't know why this thread got resurrected...
Just bumping this thread, as there's some very interesting info about the JHK virus.
This paper by Robin Weiss is interesting. It discusses his discovery of a rabbit retrovirus, which he later decided to be contamination.
There are still some puzzles in the research, though, which he discusses. Weiss generally promotes the concept that all retroviral discoveries are mistakes. I remember he came to an early XMRV conference last year and dismayed those present by his forcible talk on the dangers of contamination in XMRV research.
It is interesting to read his paper and follow his reasoning now we all know more about it. The rabbit retrovirus had been linked to inflammatory syndromes, Rheumatoid arthritis, and Sjogrens syndrome, which was discussed on this forum a litle while ago, and is similar to ME in many ways.
I don't know why this thread got resurrected as the JHK virus was extensively dealt with in another thread: http://forums.phoenixrising.me/show...XMRV-sequences-in-genbank&p=233216#post233216. See my post#108 and the JHK Blast report.
Grossberg corrected his entry and a previous association with XMRV. Note: The other databases downstream from GenBank may not have reflected these current changes to date.
Partial molecular cloning with novel consensus PCR primers of the murine JHK retrovirus of human origin, is NOT, repeat NOT a variant of the Xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus (XMRV.) Its closest relative is the retrovirus isolated from VCaP cells as shown in the Blast report as mentioned in my post 108 in the other thread. It will updated by Grossberg to reflect this change. Just look at the Blast report.
Sidney Grossberg updated GenBank by removing XMRV from the name on the JHK retrovirus file. The title is now:JHK retrovirus isolate JHK-3 5' LTR, partial sequence; and gag protein (gag) gene, partial cds
GenBank: HM119591.1
No conspiracy but a mislabeling by Grossberg. It does a disservice to the patient community to imply that the JHK virus is an early variant of XMRV as the title of this thread suggests.
Whether Grossberg is continuing his research with JHK virus or its association with EBV virus can only be answered by him.