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Could someone check my private thyroid test results??

Hi guys,

I recently had my thyroid tested privately and the results are in. Everything has come within range but I know the thyroid is a complex business so just wanted someone to quickly take a look.

Here they are:

THYROID STIMULATING HORMONE - 3.11 mIU/L (Range: 0.27 - 4.2)
FREE THYROXINE - 17.4 pmol/l (Range: 12.0 - 22.0)
FREE T3 - 6.2 pmol/L (Range: 3.1 - 6.8)

Thanks for reading guys and any comments are much appreciated.


Senior Member
Your free t3 looks good in my opinion.

I would suggest some other tests however, such as thyroid antibodies (TPO, TRAB). Just because your numbers look good, doesn't mean they're not fluctuating over time. Additionally RT3, and T3 uptake.

Also, just because your t3 is high, doesn't mean it's being accessed at the cellular level. It could be "pooling" in the blood, thus making the numbers appear higher than they really are. I'd suggest also doing a cortisol Saliva test, and maybe a cortisol AM blood draw with total and free cortisol levels.

Do you have any other blood work? What are your symptoms?


Senior Member
TSH is quite high. Any value over 1 indicates the thyroid is working too hard to produce the necessary hormones. When I had a TSH of >3 I had all kinds of physical symptoms of hypothyroid, but because I was deemed to be in the reference range my symptoms were dismissed.

Not coincidentally, when I started getting my thyroid in order and thus feeling better, my TSH came way down.

FYI, reference ranges don't tell us anything about values associated with optimal functioning...they just tell us about the spread of values in the "healthy" people when reference ranges are set. And I suspect "healthy" in this situation means anyone not manifesting signs of acute disease. So you probably have to have cancer or be wheel-chair bound to have your lab values excluded from the data pool that's examined to set a reference range.
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iherb code TAK122
@whodathunkit - can you tell me how you got your thyroid in order, I can't tolerate thyroxine or armour thyroid, thinking about iodine.


Senior Member
@whodathunkit - can you tell me how you got your thyroid in order, I can't tolerate thyroxine or armour thyroid, thinking about iodine.

I know iodine is an issue in hashimoto's (if you have hashimoto's), but adding selenium would possibly allow you to tolerate it.


iherb code TAK122
Thanks - I do take a small amount of selenium a few times a week, I don't tolerate it very well though.


Senior Member
@maryb: basically iodine and some OTC thyroid glandulars. Also lifestyle modification consisting of avoiding goitrogens (used to like tofu but no more!) plus a clean diet.

Iodine was what gave me my first inkling that maybe I could actually reverse some of my problems. But it can also be problematic, as drob says. Aside from Hashimoto's (which I admittedly know little about), it can stir up bromide and mercury, and cause detox symptoms. How severe the sides are depends upon the individual and I guess how toxic they are. I've heard of people who have become psychotic from it, which resolved when iodine was stopped. I personally had to chelate for a while before I could tolerate it. I didn't become psychotic but I got various weird symptoms, including headaches, anxiety, insomnia, and extra nocturia. But after a few rounds of chelation I could take it no problem, and I consider it one of the best things I've done for my health. It's a foundation, along with methylation and gut therapy. I've always suspected one reason I was able to do so well with methylation when I hit PR is because of all the groundwork I'd done with iodine and chelation a few year prior. Before I iodine I was pretty much a deep basket case. After iodine I was more of a picnic basket case. ;)

Salt loading, and taking extra selenium and magnesium can help ameliorate or even alleviate any sides from iodine.

For selenium you might try "methylselenocysteine" instead of selenomethionine, if you never have, to see if you tolerate that form better. I take "Selenium Synergy" by Jarrow because it has the methyl form of selenium.

HTH. :)
Thanks for reply guys.

My basic symptoms are:
Severe chronic body odor, Chronic Bad Breath, Chronic fatigue since age 12, Weak muscles, General weakness, moodyness/irratability and brain fog. One of the major symptoms I have is severely deformed hips (wide for a male and a big bottom) shockingly my brother also has these symptoms leading me to believe everything is genetic the problem however is I can't find a genetic disease which causes these symptoms. I've reached my wits end tbh life is hell right now for me and my brother.

If it makes any difference I'm a 25 year old male and ALL my symptoms started at age 12 when I reached puberty.

Also one other symptom I have is low testosterone (about 8nmol if anyone wants to know) which is clearly connected to everything somehow but the cause of the low testosterone remains a mystery. I've had also had my oestradial tested and it came back normal.

I can understand some of the symptoms being caused by my low testosterone but the fact that I have body odor, bad breath and am quite a hairy guy makes me wonder wtf is going on with me.


Senior Member
Thanks for reply guys.

My basic symptoms are:
Severe chronic body odor, Chronic Bad Breath, Chronic fatigue since age 12, Weak muscles, General weakness, moodyness/irratability and brain fog. One of the major symptoms I have is severely deformed hips (wide for a male and a big bottom) shockingly my brother also has these symptoms leading me to believe everything is genetic the problem however is I can't find a genetic disease which causes these symptoms. I've reached my wits end tbh life is hell right now for me and my brother.

If it makes any difference I'm a 25 year old male and ALL my symptoms started at age 12 when I reached puberty.

Also one other symptom I have is low testosterone (about 8nmol if anyone wants to know) which is clearly connected to everything somehow but the cause of the low testosterone remains a mystery. I've had also had my oestradial tested and it came back normal.

I can understand some of the symptoms being caused by my low testosterone but the fact that I have body odor, bad breath and am quite a hairy guy makes me wonder wtf is going on with me.

I'll admit, there's allot going on here. The fact that things started when you hit puberty suggests hormonal imbalances. Testosterone isn't the only androgen that promotes body hair, DHT does as well (albeit it can cause some people to lose the hair on their head if they are susceptible). The wide hips could could be connected to higher levels of estrogen in an earlier stage of development.

For your testosterone, is that for your total or free? Some people have low total testosterone but low-normal free testosterone. It would also be good to know your SHBG. Ironically high t3 levels can elevate SHBG which can lower free testosterone.

The bad breath and body odor may be related to something else. Bad breath could have a bacterial orgin, or yeast. Do you have a white coated tounge as well?


iherb code TAK122
thanks for the reply, I don't do well with methyl groups so I think I'll just keep on with the selenium I have. The doc said to take 1 capsule of the iodine formula but I'm thinking about 1/8th of that to start, I certainly don't want to feel any worse. Am I right in thinking you did the Cutler chelation? I've certainly got a lot worse since having my last 3 amalgams out, not a coincidence:(
I'll admit, there's allot going on here. The fact that things started when you hit puberty suggests hormonal imbalances. Testosterone isn't the only androgen that promotes body hair, DHT does as well (albeit it can cause some people to lose the hair on their head if they are susceptible). The wide hips could could be connected to higher levels of estrogen in an earlier stage of development.

For your testosterone, is that for your total or free? Some people have low total testosterone but low-normal free testosterone. It would also be good to know your SHBG. Ironically high t3 levels can elevate SHBG which can lower free testosterone.

The bad breath and body odor may be related to something else. Bad breath could have a bacterial orgin, or yeast. Do you have a white coated tounge as well?


Firstly thanks for your reply.

Yes my hunch was that its a hormonal problem. The problem I'm facing is I'm not that well off and have a budget for these blood tests. I'll see if I can stretch it a bit. My first guess was thats its a hormonal problem (which seems to be ever more unlikely tbh as I do more tests) or that I have some kind of infection which I inherited from my mother in the womb. That could be causing all these problems (more and more likely). The problem remains what is this infection and how will I find it.


Senior Member

Firstly thanks for your reply.

Yes my hunch was that its a hormonal problem. The problem I'm facing is I'm not that well off and have a budget for these blood tests. I'll see if I can stretch it a bit. My first guess was thats its a hormonal problem (which seems to be ever more unlikely tbh as I do more tests) or that I have some kind of infection which I inherited from my mother in the womb. That could be causing all these problems (more and more likely). The problem remains what is this infection and how will I find it.

You could start with all of the usual suspects first including HHV6, EBV, CMV, Mycoplasma, Lyme and co-infections.