I've been thinking about trying TUDCA instead. It's just so damned expensive.
what is TUDCA? how is it different from taurine?
I've been thinking about trying TUDCA instead. It's just so damned expensive.
Hmm. I just ordered Jarrow Bile Acid Factors because I couldn't tolerate Nutricology Ox Bile. From what you're saying it is likely to be even less tolerable.
I've been taking ox bile for about 3 weeks now. I have noticed a definite increase in energy, clarity of mind, less PEM and when I do get some PEM, it's much milder and doesn't last nearly as long as it use to before I started the ox bile. I have taken this same ox bile before, at a higher dose and didn't notice any benefits.
This time though, I am on a low carb diet and it seems to make all the difference in how much it helps. I am taking a very low dose, only 262mg a day, but it really is making a big difference.
I am seeing and feeling improvements week to week. As I said though, I have been on a low carb diet (the specific carbohydrate diet) for 8 months and I think that is a big part of why I am getting such good results.
I buy tablets from Swansons Vitamins and cut them up into quarters so I can slowly increase the dose.
what's the safe upper limit for ox bile?
do you define "low" carbs by # of carb grams? glycemic index? glycemic load?
any good resources to learn more about ox bile?
https://www.hindawi.com/journals/grp/2015/398585/4. Bile Acid Signalling
BA metabolites as a result of microbial transformations act as signaling molecules and have demonstrated regulation of intestinal homeostasis through the TGR5 and FXR by inhibiting inflammation, preventing pathogen invasion, and maintaining cell integrity. TGR5 is principally activated by secondary BAs, including DCA and LCA. This receptor minimizes production of proinflammatory cytokines (IL-1α, IL-2β, IL-6, and TNFα) stimulated by lipopolysaccharides in macrophages and Kupffer cells through inhibition of NF-kB [24]. Activation of the BA receptor FXR protects against bacterial overgrowth and translocation in the distal small intestine and resultant disruption to the gut epithelial barrier through the regulation of several genes, including Ang1, Inos, and IL18, which have recognized antimicrobial actions [25]. The degree of activation of BA receptors is influenced primarily by the gut microbiota and therefore dysbiosis may result in abnormal BA modification resulting in the development of gastrointestinal disease.
BA means bile acids
It seems very clear to me, after reading this and a few other research papers on bile acids and gut health, that bile acids are crucial to maintaining a healthy microbiome and to help prevent leaky gut.
My noticeable increase in energy and clarity of mind from taking bile acids, from ox bile, makes a lot of sense given this information.
Ox bile is about 40% bile acids by the way.
I have extremely poor NK cell function and a mast cell disorder... Have you come across any literature that links poor bile acid production (upstream) to downstream problems of NK cell function and mast cell problems?
Conclusion: LPS can induce human mast cells to release chemical mediators such as tryptase that can compromise the intestinal epithelial barrier function.
@ebethc Here is a study showing NK cell activation from lipopolysaccharides in the gut.
so, how do you lower LPS? by healing leaky gut?
There's also a bit of a "chicken and the egg" situation here, because LPS can be a contributing cause of the damage to the intestine in the first place.Yes, healing a leaky gut will dramatically lower the amount of LPS getting into the blood stream, causing symptoms.
There's also a bit of a "chicken and the egg" situation here, because LPS can be a contributing cause of the damage to the intestine in the first place.
Yes, healing a leaky gut will dramatically lower the amount of LPS getting into the blood stream, causing symptoms. Everybody has some LPS that leak into the blood stream from the gut, that's normal.
As long as it's not too much, they don't have symptoms. A leaky gut allows too much LPS into the blood stream, causing an immune system reaction and symptoms. If you have SIBO/dysbiosis, that is probably what is causing a leaky gut. The LPS come from the bacteria causing the SIBO/dysbiosis.
can lps be measured?
did you say that SCD was the low carb diet that you followed? low carb is confusing.. do you measure glycemic index, carb grams, glycemic load or something else?
can lps be measured? this would be a good way to measure results for healing leaky gut
Here is a list of SCD foods that are what they call "legal and illegal". The legal list is the one to try to stay with.
I can tell that my SIBO/dysbiosis is being brought into balance and my leaky gut must be healing because of the improvements in symptoms. There have been many times when I felt better from some supplement or protocol but it only lasted a few days or a few weeks. This time it has lasted 2-3 months and I continue to improve consistently.
I skimmed the list and it looks like grains, beans, and potatoes (incl sweet potatoes) are off limits... does that sum it up?
congrats on finding something that gives you sustained results!
I think those are the biggies. I was on a low carb diet a little over a year ago, but went too low on carbs (20-30gms/day) and felt miserable. So I decided to try a regular carb diet again, about 150-200 gms/day.
I felt better for about a week, then started feeling worse over the next 2 weeks, to the point where I was struggling to stay out of bed. I haven't felt like that in a few years, so I knew it was the carbs.
That absolutely convinced me that starches from grains, potatoes etc. were causing devastating symptoms. That's probably the biggest reason I've been able to stay on the SCD for about 8 months now.
why do you think that carbs affect pain - e.g., is it the carb effect on glucose/insulin OR impact on microbiome OR combo OR something else?
i'm asking b/c if it's impact on microbiome, then presumably you could go back to eating normally once you've killed off all the dysbiosis