Could my sinuses be blocked?

Hey everyone,

It's been a while since I've posted, but I have new information on a very mysterious condition I've been trying to figure out for years.

First, let me say that it is the people on this forum that have helped me play detective and further put the pieces of the puzzle together. Here's my last post on the subject:

To quickly recap, I feel pretty bad after taking a shower (i.e., head under nozzle), shaving my face (i.e., electric razor only), and standing in the rain. @Cheesus intellectually suggested there was a blockage in my lymphatic system. I got professional lymph work done, performed lymph work on myself, and took lymph drainage supplements to no true avail.

So what's the new information? As perplexed as my general practitioner was on this condition, he suggested I'm having a reaction to histamine, caused by stimulating something in my head whenever I shower (i.e., get my head wet) or shave my face (i.e., electric razor).

Since treating excessive yeast overgrowth with high dosage probiotics, I've now noticed that I wake up with a major stuffy nose, pressure in my head, and excessive mucous in my throat. Additionally, I do have post nasal drip, which has been confirmed by many professionals.

The symptoms I just mentioned, the stuffy nose, pressure in my head, excessive mucous in the throat are now symptoms I can reproduce by taking a shower, shaving my face, or standing in the rain.

My current thoughts: I can't help but feel that excessive yeast overgrowth is responsible here, but to what degree, I'm not sure. However, I highly suspect that my sinuses are blocked, or just not draining as much as they should because they're inflamed from yeast in my sinuses.

Since the sinuses can't drain properly, whenever I shower (i.e., put my head under the nozzle), shave my face (i.e., electric razor), or stand in the rain, it's enough stimulation to release some concentrated content from the cesspool of my potentially blocked sinuses, thus causing me to have a histamine reaction.

Am I overthinking this or am I getting closer to figuring this out? Please, any and all thoughts are welcome! :ill:


Psalm 46:1-3
Great Lakes
My guess would be that the moisture is making the tissue in your nose swell/expand plus any mucus that had been dry becomes rehydrated.

In addition to that, the added moisture in the air activates molds/mildews spores in the area and you could easily be reacting to those since many people do have mold allergies--myself included.

I can definitely smell mold in the air more on rainy days and many times those are the days I get bad sinus headaches. (Same with mildew in the shower even when mildew doesn't seem to be present visually.)
Appreciate your take on the situation, @Judee!

It's definitely plausible, except I am able to trigger the symptoms alone, in their worst manner, by simply an electric razor -- no water involved.


Psalm 46:1-3
Great Lakes

Two thoughts with that--1) have you had your razor serviced and cleaned to make sure no bacteria and such is growing in it? (Not sure if you can even have that done anymore since we live in such a disposable society.)

2) Do you have a nickel and/or aluminum sensitivity? Could you be reacting to that?
(Not sure how you would get around that if you do because all razors have metal blades/mechanisms.)

2a) Chemicals/fragrances in the cleansers you are using? (Just thought of that one.)

Edit: 2b) Oops -- one more, chlorine and/or sulfur in your water. (I'm assuming you are still shaving in the vicinity of your sink with this one. :rolleyes:


Senior Member
See an ENT. I had random symptoms that manifested as heightened allergies. Turned out to be a cyst in the major sinus. You just never know about things like that.....