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Cort's latest blog: Is nerve damage affecting the lungs in Fibromyalgia?


Senior Member

Am hoping I copied this link right and wanted to say thank you to @Cort for posting a blog about nerve damage possibly affecting the lungs and breathing in Fibromyalgia. I do not actually have Fibro and am not a member of Cort's board so I cannot reply over there but wanted to post the link here in case it resonates for anyone else.

Shortness of breath remains my #1 symptom and I now believe that auto-antibodies are attacking my phrenic nerve functioning which is indirectly affecting my lungs ability to inhale/exhale a full breath. Am on the path (it's a very long and winding path LOL) of pursuing some treatments that I believe will help me with this once they are approved.

I know I am in the vast minority with this symptom in ME/CFS vs. on neuromuscular and autoimmune boards, it is much more common. But regardless of my label, I was really glad to see this issue being talked about and thought the link/article was very interesting and hoping others do, too.


Senior Member
Phrenic nerve functioning might be involved (probably is) but I am pretty sure there is more to it. My lung improvement goes fast now but before that could happen my pleura and intercostal muscles/nerves had to heal.


Senior Member
Phrenic nerve functioning might be involved (probably is) but I am pretty sure there is more to it. My lung improvement goes fast now but before that could happen my pleura and intercostal muscles/nerves had to heal.

I absolutely agree with you that there is much more involved and mentioned the phrenic nerve in my case b/c it is the first piece of hard evidence from an EMG that shows something is wrong with my breathing muscles. But I suspect it is much more than this and that other nerves to my lungs and intercostal muscles are affected as well.

I also have nerve/muscle damage to my neck and right arm and sometimes the pain is excruciating or my arm cannot lift a water bottle or type on my phone but I rarely talk about this b/c it doesn't cause me the same level of distress or impair my life like the breathing issue does (even though it can be very annoying at times.)

I was happy to see the lung/ breathing issue acknowledged, especially from the perspective that something could be attacking the nerves like a virus or autoantibody, etc, and makes me hopeful that treatment could potentially reverse it (although guardedly hopeful vs. full-on real hope.)

Am hoping I copied this link right and wanted to say thank you to @Cort for posting a blog about nerve damage possibly affecting the lungs and breathing in Fibromyalgia. I do not actually have Fibro and am not a member of Cort's board so I cannot reply over there but wanted to post the link here in case it resonates for anyone else.

Shortness of breath remains my #1 symptom and I now believe that auto-antibodies are attacking my phrenic nerve functioning which is indirectly affecting my lungs ability to inhale/exhale a full breath. Am on the path (it's a very long and winding path LOL) of pursuing some treatments that I believe will help me with this once they are approved.

I know I am in the vast minority with this symptom in ME/CFS vs. on neuromuscular and autoimmune boards, it is much more common. But regardless of my label, I was really glad to see this issue being talked about and thought the link/article was very interesting and hoping others do, too.

Hi gingergrrl, i also have possible autoimmunity, and breathing difficulty. see my post, new today on community. What is phrenic nerve prob you have?


Senior Member
Hi gingergrrl, i also have possible autoimmunity, and breathing difficulty. see my post, new today on community. What is phrenic nerve prob you have?

@Jemima, I will look for your post later today and either reply there or here as soon as I can.