"The most prominent symptom constellation to appear some time during the course of the illness consisted of emotional lability, anxiety, distractibility, pressured speech, sensory flooding, insomnia, depression, perplexity, agitation, auditory and visual hallucinations, intermittent memory impairment, mutism, disturbances of body image, delusions, apathy, and hypomania."
Having watched someone take megadoses of steroids, and from listening to my great aunt (chemo nurse), many of those symptoms are pare for the course... I think where it really differs is the hallucinations, mutism, delusions, disturbances of body image, memory impairment, etc. Almost everyone gets the emotional lability, anxiety, distractibility, pressured speech, agitation, and hypomania (but not full blown mania).
Interesting that they noted that all patients deteriorated when treated with tricyclic antidepressants. ME patients historically have done really poorly with TCA's in anything but microdoses. I cannot tolerate them at all, even when i only take a crumb of the smallest dose made. I have one family member who experienced extreme agitation (not psychosis or mania, and he didn't require treatment, but he found it very unpleasant and felt very agitated and aggressive/combative) on a very low dose of TCA's (he doesn't have ME though).