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Core Postural Egoscue "e-cises" to Relieve Musculo-Skeletal Pain


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
I recently discovered the work of Pete Egoscue and his body pain relief program. It features unique "e-cises" to address and correct key structural issues that often create a lot of pain in all parts of our bodies. There are many "e-cises", and I've only done two so far, but have been utterly amazed by the kind of positive changes they're making in my body.

I thought I would provide some links to the ones I'm currently doing, in case anybody might want to try them. What's nice is they're essentially "NON-EXERTIONAL", and have the potential to reduce a LOT of chronic stress in the body. This is probably especially important for pwCFS who are often unable to move around much, and can get stiff as a result.

Here's a link to a brief description of a "core" Egoscue e-cise called:

The Supine Groin Progressive in the Tower

Here's a 5-minute video describing in detail the same e-cise:

The Egoscue Tower

Here's a link to the second e-cise I've been doing:

Egoscue - Exercises For Low Back Pain --- [They say it's also very good for opening up the upper back and shoulders.]

This is just a start to the many e-cises that can be done. I expect to eventually do a lot more, but just these two simple ones are creating a LOT of changes in my spinal column and whole musculoskeletal system, so I'm holding off on the others for now so as not to overwhelm my body. So far I've been pretty amazed how it's changed how my body feels when I walk. I also seem to be relaxing and sleeping somewhat better.

Best, Wayne