Contaminated COVID vaccines suspected to have caused the deaths of 2 men in Japan


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Contaminated COVID vaccines suspected to have caused the deaths of 2 men in Japan

Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare has today confirmed that two men have died around 48 hours after receiving their second Moderna doses from vials that were among batches later suspended following the discovery of contaminants.

The contaminants are reported to have been metallic particles.

The two deceased were aged in their 30’s. Both had fevers the day after recieving their doses according to the Ministry.

The tragic news comes just days after the Ministry revealed it was scrabbling to stop the use of 1.63 million Moderna doses shipped to 863 vaccination centres across Japan, after distributor, Takeda Pharmaceutical, received reports of contaminants in some vials.


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More Moderna vaccine contamination detected in Okinawa


Okinawa Prefecture suspended the use of Moderna's COVID-19 vaccine on Sunday after another contamination was spotted, the local government said.
It comes a day after the Japanese health ministry said it was investigating the death of two men who received shots from tainted Moderna batches -- though the cause of their death is unknown.
Okinawa prefectural government officials said Sunday's vaccination program was partially postponed.
"We are suspending the use of Moderna's COVID-19 vaccines as foreign substances were spotted in some of them," the prefecture said in a statement.
The lots affected by the contamination spotted in Okinawa on Saturday are different from the 1.63 million doses suspended after the two deaths, according to local media reports.
That suspension came after the health ministry said two men, aged 30 and 38, died in early August after getting their second Moderna doses.
Those doses were drawn from one of three batches suspended by the government on Thursday after several vials were found to be contaminated.