Constant Muscle Sprains and Inability to Heal


Senior Member
I can't remember if I posted about this before in its own thread.

One of the things that triggers crashes for me is ANY muscle strain whatsoever. In my case, that can be picking up a pan at an awkward angle, lifting a delivered bag of groceries, or any minor thing. I'm as careful as I can be, but sometimes it happens anyways. I'm sure it would be worse if I weren't housebound.

The interesting thing is that any minor strain or sprain causes a cascade of symptoms. Other previous sprains will start hurting again, my neck will seize up, my knees become more painful than usual, my brain fog gets 10x worse, etc. This usually lasts for days for a minor strain, much longer if I get a real sprain.

Any ideas what I could take? I've tried everything from ALCAR, tribulus, creatine, collagen, HGH, testosterone, and on and on. Seems like creatine should help, but it just makes my muscles hurt. Testosterone did the same but even worse. HGH helped slightly, but not enough to justify the risks and difficulty. Can't tell if ALCAR does anything. Tribulus seems to help slightly with strength when I'm not in a crash.

I'm in a crash from a minor strain at the moment, so everything hurts. Obviously I seem to have some connective tissue disorder, but I'm just looking at anything I can do for recovery or at least symptomatic relief?


Senior Member
I'm back to taking citicoline.
Foods aren't enough, it seems, for choline.

I wouldn't take phosphatidylcholine, the phosphorus can weaken muscle strength.,its bioavailability for muscle contraction.

Conclusions: Our scoping review elucidates and summarizes the crucial role of choline in modulating muscle fat metabolism, muscle proteins homeostasis, and the modulation of inflammation and autophagy.

Choline is good for brain fog too.


Senior Member
Interesting. I've taken Alpha GPC and lecithin and TMG and such, but not citicoline I think.


Senior Member
If those supps. didn't help, then citicoline would probably not help either.

Excess phosphorus can cause muscle damage and weakness.
Calcium and magnesium can lower phosphorus uptake.


Senior Member
Sounds like these were working. Pain motivates the individual to protect a damaged body part while it heals.

Always hard to know with these things. That feels like what we often hear: if you feel better then it's working, and if you feel worse then it's working.

The testosterone made my muscles so painful that I stopped being able to prepare food for myself because I couldn't lift the food and drinking tea was often rather painful. Not sure if that would've healed me eventually. I stopped when it got really bad and it slowly resolved over time.

I think EDS or other connective tissue disorders are very tough. I haven't seen clear evidence that things like steroids or SARMs or other muscle building compounds are actually helpful.