Thankyou Lotus97 for your feedback. Yes, I am aware of potential for low potassium, but not entirely sure of underlying mechanism of that. I crave bananas like crazy, and am taking Potassium supp to help with Kreb's cycle. It does seem to help with energy.
re: CBS, well, I'm just starting to learn about this too.
Short hx: sick since 2004 after trip to India x4mos with ++gut disturbances. Tried many things when I got home with little success. Major turnaround came when I did my 1st yeast cleanse using Biotics Research product AOR, emulsified oregano, instead of the standard fare of caprylic acid to kill yeast. At about same time I switched from vegetarian diet to slowly incorporating as much meat into my diet as possible. This improved my energy dramatically.
Given CBS revelation, it makes sense to me that I felt better after yeast cleanse, as yeast is an ammonia producing organism, and those with CBS mutation struggle with eliminating ammonia as well as sulphur.
I think I was so very deficient in amino acids, as I was starting to get sick before I went to India & didn't realize it. I think my adrenals have always been a bit weak, and I have a family history of diabetes. This combo combined with overtraining as I was training as a competitive runner, combined with life stress, some pre-existing yeast problems - aka the perfect storm, set the stage for what was going to be the worst 4 mos of my life in India. I was eating primarily a fruit based diet prior to going, and raw vegan prior to that for months. I think when I hit India due to a baseline of poor methylation my body just struggled to deal with the toxic overload of being in a 3rd world country. As well, when I got back I discovered I had blastocystis parasite, which I have now hopefully cleared up recently.
RE: COMT, I know I have problems, as part of my healing over past few years I have found +++success with Tyrosine & Phenylalanine, Tryptophan, & 5-HTP supp
I guess I wanted to provide some backstory, because I think for me, it wasn't just the CBS issue. I think that if I would have addressed the CBS issue prior to dealing with CBS issue right now, I wouldn't have had as much success. I think with my gut being healthier, and my adrenals being stronger, with my hypoglycemia under control, my body is more able to detoxify. It was almost magical, when I took the charcoal for first time, my brain cleared, and my energy improved by 10% daily. Now that I am supplementing with the Molybdenum and I have eliminated the sulphur supplements that I was taking (Maca, and previously a supp called Broccogen), my allergies have decreased substantially, and my energy is now improved almost to pre-India!
I think this last piece is to figure out how to work with possible COMT mutation, & perhaps MTHFR, or other methylation problems, which I figure is my baseline prior to India, as I was having energy problems even then.
My plan is to try to intro hydroxy-B12, as I have had this overdosed feeling with methyl supps before. As I said I did do well on SAMe, and methionine for several months (say 6mos), then it just seemed to make me fatigued. It seems possible to me that I was deficient in it, needed to top up, and now maybe have sufficient methyl available to bind. I dunno, if the hydroxy-B12 works that will confirm this suspicion.
I'll just keep plugging away! Have to trial 'n error it until I get my testing done, which will be within next mos or two.
All the best, Star