Compression Stockings


Senior Member

lately POTS has become my worst symptom and I want to get compression stockings or socks to tackle it. I bought some cotton knee socks with compression effect, which I like, but I have read that they won't do any good.

Instead I have read, that knee high stockings can cause fluid retention or blood pooling just above the top of the stocking at the knee. So they just move the problem somewhere else.

I consider buying thigh high stockings, but before I would like to ask you for your experience.

Do you prefer knee-high socks/stockings or thigh high or even waist high??

Jimmy :)


Fine, thank you

lately POTS has become my worst symptom and I want to get compression stockings or socks to tackle it. I bought some cotton knee socks with compression effect, which I like, but I have read that they won't do any good.

Instead I have read, that knee high stockings can cause fluid retention or blood pooling just above the top of the stocking at the knee. So they just move the problem somewhere else.

I consider buying thigh high stockings, but before I would like to ask you for your experience.

Do you prefer knee-high socks/stockings or thigh high or even waist high??

Jimmy :)

Hi Jimmy - we've had some huge long threads on this! The info you want is probably already in there.

If you use the search function for the site, you should find the threads.

Good luck!


ahimsa_pdx on twitter
@jimmy86, Hi! Brain fog strikes again!

I meant to "tag" you in that last post (put an @ sign in front of you name) so that you'd get an alert. But I forgot. I have been told that edits don't cause alerts. So I'm creating this new post with a tag. :)