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complete genomic sequencing

I've been digging into complete genomic sequencing to see what the cheapest test costs these days. If you go to this wiki, it's pretty interesting because there are a large number of companies currently competing to produce a cheap, quick, and reliable whole genome test.

Here is an article from the WSJ saying that there is already a test for only $3,000 from one of these companies and this dates back to January of 2012. This is pretty cool because easier access to this kind of testing will really revolutionize the way genetically derived disorders and diseases are treated
-if you want to read this one you will have to search the title of the article in google and click on it from there in order to see it without a WSJ account or subscription

A few of the developers:
and there's a LOT more.

This is another good hub of information regarding this topic:


Senior Member
Hi Pgoody, I am also thinking of doing this. Do you know of anywhere there is information on everything that is known about genes and what each one is responsible for? As I guess it isn't worth spending the extra money for genes that nothing is known or anything can be done about.
Currently the only available direct to consumer genetics test I have found is through DNA DTC (search on google) and that test is for $7,000. But if you can get your doc involved there are many more companies that will sequence your genome, though I don't know if or how you will receive your genetic info that way.
(DNA DTC link) http://www.dnadtc.com/#jumpNav6

This was on a wikipedia page about SNPs, I hope this helps you out:

"As there are for genes, bioinformatics databases exist for SNPs. dbSNP is a SNP database from the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). SNPedia is a wiki-style database supporting personal genome annotation, interpretation and analysis. The OMIM database describes the association between polymorphisms and diseases (e.g., gives diseases in text form), the Human Gene Mutation Database provides gene mutations causing or associated with human inherited diseases and functional SNPs, and GWAS Central allows users to visually interrogate the actual summary-level association data in one or more genome-wide association studies. The International SNP Map working group mapped the sequence flanking each SNP by alignment to the genomic sequence of large-insert clones in Genebank. These Alignments were converted to chromosomal coordinates that is show in Table 1 [20] Another database is the International HapMap Project, where researches are identifying Tag SNP to be able to determine the collection of haplotypes present in each subject."

I've used SNPedia, OMIM, dpSNP, and maybe checked out a couple other myself. I don't think SNPs are the only things that are important. There are also haplotypes and deletions. I