Compare your country's ME/CFS research funding with Canada's - similar?


Senior Member
Thanks to Kati for tweeting the following news story that appeared yesterday on the Canadian "National ME/FM Action Network" website about their recent meeting and subsequent letter to the "Canadian Institutes of Health Research": Network asks CIHR to address the ME/CFS and FM Research Deficits.

It would be interesting to compare funding rates (per patient, per year) and # of citizens affected between all countries represented on this forum (note: the relevant categories are split into CFS, FM and MCS).

(I thought I'd re-post it here on PR for everyone as Kati is extremely busy with fundraising and advocacy!).


Patient in training
Thank you Waiting, I appreciate you posting it. It is an article very worthy of sharing and targetting our canadian politicians. i have sent to Carolyn Bennett. MP who has instigated the recent order paper. we need things changing in Canada (and all around the world).