Thanks flybro.
There was never really a team although in the early 2000s, there were fewer forums so things were more concentrated on certain lists so one did get to know people - some forums were the e-groups/yahoogroups MEActionUK (still going at: - Doug is one of the mods), IMEGA-e [which Ellen Goudsmit was on - it was for group leaders and was quite a lively list - it eventually closed in 2008 when the list owner had enough (I certainly didn't agree with a lot of his views on ME politics but he did well keeping it going for so long)], etc.
Anyway, Doug Fraser is still very active - he was one of the two people who took NICE to court over the NICE guidelines which was a huge task to take on and kept him very busy for a long time.
Ellen Goudsmit is still active. Her CV is at: where one can see she has published quite a bit on ME, CFS etc over the years. She's a patient so has that perspective. She has lots of interesting articles at: which people can learn from. She knows the ME and CFS literature very well and I have learned a lot from her over the years although, like with quite a few people on lists, I have disagreed with her and she has disagreed with me at different stages.
Looking at other rapid responders for that article:
Abhijit Chaudhuri - neurologist - he is still working in the field but he no longer sends rapid responses. He did his PhD on ME/CFS around then so was probably more interested.
Gurli Bagnall - a patient from New Zealand. Gurli is "no spring chicken" but still writes the odd piece. Not sure if she sends in many rapid responses.
Paul Lynch - patient who disappeared from the scene maybe 5 years ago and I haven't seen on the Internet since
Hayley Klinger - is still severely affected with ME. Is the PR person for the 25% ME Group. Has had some letters published in national newspapers.
Jane C Colby - still head of the TYMES Trust
Suzy Chapman - still very active on the internet. She uses a username a lot now so don't know if everyone knows who she is.
Over the years, plenty of people have sent rapid responses to the BMJ. But oddly, out of the few dozen patient/carer activists, or anyone else in other countries very very few sent replies to any other journal including all the open access journals.
I'm hoping some of the people from Phoenix Rising will start writing in and keep authors on their toes.