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Colonoscopy Preps


But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
There's a few older thread on this but things change in the wonderful world of colonoscopies, especially when it comes to preps where you don't have to drink a ton of stuff.

I'm getting my 5 year one in November. The last time I used a kit called Lo So Prep which is low salt magnesium , dulcolax tablets and dulcolax suppository. My doc said it worked great so I'm trying to locate one.

She said also Suprep, which is also an easy prep but I've read where some people say it didn't work well. With my IBS-C I have concerns. In fact with the Lo So Prep it took longer for the dulcolax tablets to work. I was up pretty late waiting for them to work.

I have read where big Gi Centers let people make their own kit with magnesium citrate liquid and dulcolax. I'm tempted to do that.

Any ideas? I did see where Freddd talked about low potassium and @ahmo suggested foot baths so that's a good idea.

Please tag me.


Senior Member
Ontario, Canada

I had one about a year ago and used pico-salax and dulcolax tablets. The pico-salax was really easy to use, just mix with water. I had heard of people having to drink gallons of water but this one was just a glass each time.


But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
@Snookum96 link to picO salax please.

All the ones I have you only drink maybe 10 oz if solution and 8 oz of clear liquid an hour



But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
@Snookum96 maybe only Canadian. Also just read it might be too gentle. I need dynamite

This is I think the same thing only liquid. The Lo so prep is low sodium


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But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
Thanks for the offer @Snookum96 I found some on eBay but its way cheaper to get the liquid. The Lo so prep is powder too.

The protocol I found is used all the time. I'm sort of obsessed with doing it right but the price differnce is huge. Especially if I can't find the Lo so prep.



Moderation Resource Albuquerque
Last time I had a colonoscopy (sound like the first sentence of a bad novel :rofl:) I did a lot of research. As I remember, the ones where you have to drink a couple of gallons are safer because of electrolyte balance.
In fact with the Lo So Prep it took longer for the dulcolax tablets to work. I was up pretty late waiting for them to work.
I told the doc that this could be a problem and he had me start the whole shebang a couple of hours earlier.
I had heard of people having to drink gallons of water but this one was just a glass each time.
Agreed, those are easier but may have more side effects.
I'm sort of obsessed with doing it right but the price differnce is huge.
Insurance should pay for the prep--at least mine did.


But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
There is no way, as in zero way, I can drink that much. I know that. Some places recommend drinking Gatorade for electrolytes and I have clear electrolyte drops that I can use in my fluids.

Even with insurance the suprep is $45. Lo so prep is OTC and is maybe $25 at most I think and if I buy the magnesium citrate and stuff alone it's about $15 max.

I also read some stuff that said the suprep didn't clean some people out completely and they had to redo and pay for it.

Yeah I'm going to start earlier no matter what I do. The dulcolax took forever to work. I read that doesn't matter, the time things move. I don't know why they think we want to be up all night and then up again at 4 am.

With any of the easier ones you have to drink 8 oz water every hour you are awake up til 9 pm.

Can't wait.


Senior Member
Ontario, Canada
Good luck @minkeygirl ,

The stress of the prep had my heart rate up high right before the procedure and they had to discuss whether to do it or not. There is no way I was doing it again and I told them that.

I also told them that hr is normal for me, which is kinda true, so they went ahead.

Hope your prep goes as well as possible. If you end up needing pico salad lmk.


But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
Thanks @Snookum96 My last one was the only time I've ever fasted. Whenever I go out my BP is really high. I took it in the morning yesterday and it was fine.

Then after the nightmare of getting there and being wound up I knew it was high. It was 165 over something. They can't expect someone to go through all that, and then have normal BP.

Thanks. I won't use the pico "salad" haha. I don't think. I'll let you know.