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Colonoscopy and Gastroscopy


Making the most of it
About 3 weeks ago I had a colonoscopy and gastroscopy. My GP had been encouraging me to do this for some time but I didn't feel physically robust enough to do it.

Some bloody mucous in a bowel movement and a family history of bowel cancer made me decide to go ahead with it.

The Gastrolenterologist wanted to conduct a wide range of tests in view of my IBS (which started with ME). She checked for coeliac disease and a variety of infections and digestive enzymes. She took a number of biopsies and removed 2 very small polyps.

There was no evidence of infections or coeliac disease but I have low levels of enzymes - maltase and sucrase. Lactase is marginal. These deficiencies can cause digestive problems. I will know more when I see her this week.

The preparation was worse for me due to loading with gluten for 6 weeks prior to the procedure. Horrible. Taking the laxatives wasn't pleasant but was bearable. The Maxalon they gave me to take before the procedure was meant to prevent nausea and help with gastric emptying but it just made me so drowsy and drugged that I had trouble talking and had to be assisted to move. I only took half a tablet and it was still strongly affecting me 6 hours later when I was given the sedation for the procedure.

I was asleep throughout the procedure.

It took me two weeks for my ME flare to calm down after the procedure. Pretty much bedridden. My biggest problem has been that my bowels appear to have "seized up". I went to emergency this week due to severe back and gut pain for a week. Keeping me awake at night. I can't turn over in bed without acute pain and there is no pain free position. X-rays revealed that my bowel and rectum are completely full of faeces. Apparently this is causing the pain. I am taking Movicol but it isn't clearing my bowel. I'm hoping that the pre op laxatives and the colonoscopy procedure itself haven't somehow damaged my bowel function. I will find out more this week.


Senior Member
Psyllium husk might be useful? Either bought alone or as a product known as 'Lepicol' . To get things actually moving prune juice isn't a bad option, other sensitivities willing...


Senior Member
@AndyPandy I also "liked" your post to let you know how sorry I am to hear about this but not b/c I like it! Am hoping your doctor figures out a solution soon and your pain reduces. :hug: xoxo


Senior Member
Brisbane, Australia
@AndyPandy How much Movicol are you taking? I have only had fecal impaction the once that caused similar severe abdominal pain and it took a double dose of Movicol (2 sachets) 3 x a day for three days before it moved anything.

If you have autonomic dysfunction, you can get a stuck ileocecal valve that slows your bowel transit. A nicotine patch placed over the position of this valve can induce a bowel motion within a few hours (it activates nicotinic acetylcholine receptors).


Making the most of it
Thanks @kangaSue!

The hospital doctor suggested 1 to 2 sachets a day, although I noticed that the packet says up to 8 on medical advice.

I started with a half a sachet as I am sensitive to most meds. Upped it to 1 a day and have had some modest results today. I've got two (unrelated) medical appointments tomorrow so I won't risk upping it to two sachets tonight as I won't have easy access to a toilet. Seeing the gastro specialist on Wednesday.

The nicotine patch sounds intriguing but I would be wary of it as I am very reactive.


Senior Member
Liverpool, UK
@AndyPandy Just wanted to send you a good luck message. :) I had similar probs nearly a year ago, but not post colonoscopy - had a colonography (CT, reputed to be easier for old and frail people - I beg to differ!!!) some weeks later. Really messed up a visit to New Scientist Live in London, though I did manage to get to hear Tim Peake speak about being on the ISS.

Ended up going to St Thomas' Hospital walk in centre the day after. Everyone very kind, after x-ray and blood tests found I prob had diverticulitis so got antibiotics and movicol. Doc was surprised when he asked me how I felt as I didn't really feel any worse than usual apart from the lower left gut pain and constipation. Been mostly OK since, but do find the need to be close to a toilet most mornings, anything up to midday. Plus still get intermittent lower left abdo pain too. Nowadays I only take about half the dissolved sachet in the morning, and skip every few days. I find it difficult to eat much at all, suspect that may be why I "over react" to the medicine.

Hope your doc appointments go OK and that you find more relief soon. :D


Making the most of it
I managed to improve the constipation problem with Movicol, but then had multiple bowel movements - skinny poos and associated gut pain.

The gastroenterologist seemed to think the constipation and gut pain was a result of the colonoscopy, including taking multiple biopsies and her use of buscopan to "paralyse" (her word) the large intestine during the procedure.

I've stopped taking the Movicol now but she suggested that if I didn't have a bowel movement on any particular day then I could take a smaller amount than a whole sachet to get things moving.

I'm still not really back to "normal" and still have some back and gut pain but I'm trying to improve the situation with fibre and water intake rather than Movicol.

Just sharing this information in case anyone else is considering a colonoscopy or has problems after one.