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Senior Member
I am trying my first colonic tomorrow. I have no idea what to expect. Will i be uncomfortable after the procedure? I am hoping it will help flush out some toxins from candida, which I am trying to fight with diet and supplements. Have any of you had good or bad experiences with colonics?

Michael Dessin

Senior Member
Colonics can be very harsh on the gut lining, which is already leaky in most CFS patients. They are extremely beneficial in clearing toxins, however on the flip side can make your gut much worse and you can get very sick. The first time I did a colonic I got very ill as it made my gut more permeable but the next time I did acupuncture for my gut right after, as well as took probiotics and lots of water right after, the coloncis were extremely beneficial. They are slightly uncomfortable, I would do three in a row, maybe one every other day to clear all toxins that have been loosened and acupunture with it. So yes they are great if you take precautions.


Senior Member
Hi Michael
Your reply is really helpful and it raises concerns for me. I do have indications pointing to leaky gut syndrome, and I certainly do not want to exacerbate that issue. I have been working on my gut for a while but I don't know if the lining is better or not. Would it be better for me to postpone this?


A shadow of my former self
I had them years ago, the first year I was ill. Other than some very uncomfortable trapped gas after each one, they were benign for me.


Senior Member
Wetumpka Alabama
They can be very beneficial. The best machine is a gravity flow, hope yours is that. To do some of the other ones you may as well join the circus. lol It is actually relaxing, my therapist used implants... coffee for the liver and whatever she thought was needed at the time..a parasite and yeast kill, oxygen, a blood purifier and last as she called it, the cream rinse ... minerals. There can be some cramping as crud is being pulled out and goose pimples as you detox.

She designed her own machine and was selling them all over the US..quite a few in CO. Doctors sent people to her they had given up on and I saw her save lives.

She was trained by Bernard Jenson and had been in busness 13 years before I learned about her. He has a very good book about the colon that can found in health food stores. Sadly she died a few years ago, she had anuerism.

The thing to do is to have two the first time according to my therapist. The first one sets you up to release toxins and you can be very sick the next day. I know because my GP did not really underatand it all and said to only have one.

People came from all over the US to my therapist and some big names. She was named Woman of the Year in Who's is Who in alternative medicine for two years. She helped me a lot. We became good friends and I miss her. I am sure she was responsible for my 8 year remission.

I still go once in a while to a woman she trained but it is quite far. Some us are trying to get one of her machines here, her assistant was very good and she could come and operate it. We will see.

The world has become so toxic that everyone can benefit from colonics.

My therapist turned around two very sick poeple with MCS, they were both wearing masks when I met them.

Good luck!


Senior Member
Colonics were weakening to me, and I can't imagine that I would ever do another one. Not all of us canaries handle them well. In retrospect, I agree with Mike that it didnt play well with my leaky gut. Like any treatment, it helps some of us, but is not helpful to others. I like Mikes suggestions about supplementing with probiotics and even using acupuncture as a restorative measure, if necessary. Perhaps there are gentler approaches to detoxing and dealing with candida. Best of luck--let us know how it goes!


senior member
Concord, NH
My Dr has me do (Questran?) aka Cholestryamine with Chlorella, Perhaps you could do this in addition or as a substitute?



Senior Member
Hi everyone
In light of all of the posts here I decided to postpone the colonics until a later time when I know my gut can handle it. I totally appreciate all of the information. It sounds like the benefits range widely depending upon "where you are at" health-wise. It also might be machine and technique-dependent, as mentioned by Marg. I might try and do a coffee enema instead, because I know my liver could use some support.
I am curious about questran. I have seen it mentioned here a couple of times but don't understand what it does. Is it something that is easy to get a prescription for?
Thanks everyone


Senior Member
Sth Australia
I dont know if this counts as I tried to give myself a colonic irrigation a couple of years back and its not like Im experienced there but anyway it was a very bad experience..

Firstly I almost passed out after/during a massive hot flush it triggered off (I dont know why I got hot like I did.. water I was using for the irrigation was blood temp) and secondly it caused my IBS to go into the worst spasms after effects Ive had in my life having me spasming and doubling over in pain. It was extremely painful. The whole thing nearly sent me to the hospital (I ended up laying in empty path not able to get up for a while.. almost completely passed out.. that was right before the spasms started up).

Maybe thou I'd done something wrong.. I dont know, if I did something wrong with it, I dont know what.

Michael Dessin

Senior Member
This is great feedback and as I said, its really true that they can be beneficial but can make people ill as well.

There really is no doubt that colonics get rid of a shit load of toxins ;) Which is only a good thing.

But the methods of removal by colonic or home enemas can be very harsh on the system and lead to multiple issues. I would recommend using a very experienced practitioner, one with ME/CFS patient experience, than acupuncture to strenghten gut wall.


Senior Member
I could tolerate the home coffee and other colonics but didn't find that my health improved at all. My experience with machine/clinic colonics was a disaster with cramping and an swollen, upset gut after each time. It just got worse and I eventually gave up. Took probiotics and other things but no difference. Took a long time to settle down and recover from that.

Liz, the whole Candida thing (drugs, diet, supplements) was a complete waste of time / money and no one who tried the regime in my support group had any benefit other than specific fungal infections. I'm wondering with so many other things to try why you would want to do this one?

Michael Dessin

Senior Member
Removing that many toxins at once is not a waste of time..detox is needed..there is no way to detox faster than colonics..in regard to the other stuff I've noticed fungal/candida scripts never made any difference to me.. was like I was resistant to any medication as far as that.

Colonics like you mentioned can make you very ill, especially because the gut is central to much of our chaos including nervous and immune system. So its extremely important to treat the gut while doing this, specifically acupuncture in my experience so the gut wall remains strong.


Senior Member
I can't think of anything that I have done under the removing toxins banner that has benefited my health or resulted in a change to my physical symptoms. Just my bad luck I guess.

Michael Dessin

Senior Member
Thanks Slay ;) UK...Im sorry to hear that, its so difficult tackling this disease. Just to let you know, anything that was detox related made me feel sicker for a long time, years. The physical benefits did not show for quite sometime, when enough toxins had been eliminated as well as focus on the immune system and healthy enviroment I finally started to improve, it can be a long road.


Senior Member
Let me just point out that before Mike benefited from detox of any sort, he moved to a really good apartment in a place with pretty good outdoor air, and got rid of all his mold-contaminated belongings.

My strong belief is that people cannot detoxify effectively if they are continuing to get any sort of even small amounts of biotoxin exposures. That's consistent with Mike's experiences.

My fear is that it is impossible to get enough away from biotoxin exposures in the UK to be able to get the system to damp down enough to effectively detox. I hate to write off a whole country as being problematic, but everything I've heard from everyone makes me think this is indeed the case.

Best, Lisa


Senior Member
Wetumpka Alabama
Another important thing to do is to take very good probiodics and replace the friendly bacteria. This important whether you are having colonics or not, the good guys can crowd out the bad ones.

I was not detoxing and I was poisoning myself, colonics saved me. I was very lucky to find the therapist I did. She went so far as to say the day will come when the world is so toxic there will be a colonc therapist on every corner.

My therapist told me that when you kill yeast you also have to get it out, if you do not more resistant strains can grow.


Senior Member
Liz, the whole Candida thing (drugs, diet, supplements) was a complete waste of time / money and no one who tried the regime in my support group had any benefit other than specific fungal infections. I'm wondering with so many other things to try why you would want to do this one?

I guess I am trying everything that has come up as problematic in tests. I took an ion profile test and the most surprising result was that I had extreme markers for sibo and high candida despite having no symptoms. I do believe my candida has improved because my tongue is a bit better. But I think the improvement has mostly come from diet. However, I am taking candex occasionally, and when I do I want to flush stuff out, if possible. I tried a coffee enema and didn't notice a thing, though. I do agree fighting candida is often very difficult.