Colloidal silver

Has anyone used colloidal silver as an anti viral?

This is all new to me so I'm trying all sorts and someone mentioned colloidal silver so I've started to use it but wondered if anyone had any experience of it? Phase it helped??


I've tried it, but never for long enough that it would have been effective as an anti-viral. There are better options out there with less risk. What virus are you trying to target?


Senior Member
Ventura, CA
It's very toxic and dangerous. Can do internal damage and turn your skin permanently blue. Not worth it.

It has no reports of toxicity and you would have to take very badly made versions over a period of decades to actually take in enough silver to get symptoms of Argryia. If he/she takes something like Argentyn23, Nutra Sivler, or another reputable brand that is known not to mix the silver with proteins or salts then that kind of reaction is unheard of. Ideally sticking with a ppm like 20-35, Nutra Silver offers 3,600 ppm again far lower then the amount you would need to get symptoms of Argyria but I don't know if its higher ppm actually has therapeutic affect more then the others. Again Argryia is only known to happen with versions that have bigger molecules of silver from being combined with proteins or salts, trusted sellers now a days use too low of doses and do not combine it with those things.

The way it works with nano particle silver is that some theorize you do not need much higher of a ppm by the way it functions. Nutrasilver is VERY expensive so on that alone I am not sure if its more desirable then the other brand makers. Just be sure not to make your own silver and buy from reputable sellers that only list ingredients of silver, and distilled water. Nothing else should be added into it. I did not believe in silver at all myself and was freaked out about turning blue, I did some research now and see its not really a true fear with what I am taking it has helped me a lot as well. I would not use it alone as the only treatment for your infection but it does really help in anyway regardless.

edit* I have heard of some cases where people had the condition happen with less amounts of silver now, I was not aware it happened in cases like that but it is something to also think about. I might be removing myself from my silver supplementation as well. This woman definitely did not use huge amounts of silver for a long time, added with salt or not.

edit* edit*

Yeah, I wouldn't touch the silver. Even if it is a very low chance and rare side effect.
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Senior Member
I agree with fibrodude, colloidal silver is dangerous. There are verified cases of people who now have skin stained permanently blue from it.

Thompson, R. Argyria: permanent skin discoloration following protracted colloid silver ingestion. BMJ.

It is also very expensive and doesn't kill as many bacteria types. I take iodine and copper instead which are proven antibacterials. However, copper has to be carefully balanced with zinc according to my MD.
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Senior Member
I agree with fibrodude, colloidal silver is dangerous. There are verified cases of people who now have skin stained permanently blue from it.

It should be noted that the guy took a liter of silver water for twelve years.

And the conclusion from that study was "In this case, skin discoloration was the only symptom of silver poisoning." I wouldn't call that dangerous, just stupid.

I also respectfully disagree that it doesn't kill 'as many bacteria types'. While some selling colloidal silver products insist that it only kills 'bad bacteria', that's not true. It kills both good and bad, plus also is an antifungal as well. I was using it off and on, maybe 3 times a week, but decided to stop after reading that. From this page:

Having said that, I know someone who swears by it -- she's improved about 60% by using silver and a few other supplements.


Senior Member
Ventura, CA
It should be noted that the guy took a liter of silver water for twelve years.

And the conclusion from that study was "In this case, skin discoloration was the only symptom of silver poisoning." I wouldn't call that dangerous, just stupid.

I also respectfully disagree that it doesn't kill 'as many bacteria types'. While some selling colloidal silver products insist that it only kills 'bad bacteria', that's not true. It kills both good and bad, plus also is an antifungal as well. I was using it off and on, maybe 3 times a week, but decided to stop after reading that. From this page:

Having said that, I know someone who swears by it -- she's improved about 60% by using silver and a few other supplements.

I took it with VSL 3 medical grade probiotics, it really does work and quite well however I don't want to risk causing argryia myself. Usually only the silver salts/protien combinaitons are known to cause it especially with bigger particle size. The study from Brown University showed that nano silver could possibly attribute similar issues yet with much higher amounts to reach toxicity. Beyond the cosmetic issue of argryia it really is not known to be that toxic however taking in doses of say 10mg could definitely cause some neurological damage, arteriosclerosis, and possibly death. Those are amounts you would really have to push very, very absurdly high to abuse it. After reading about the woman from the 70s that got it from only using a bottle of nasal spray at 11 years old makes me wonder if there is more to it as well, even if it had bigger molecules as binded with proteins there is no way she took in a dramatic amount. It still seems very rare in most cases though and usually avoidable when using trusted solutions/brands, and not over killing on the amount you take in.


Senior Member
San Francisco
I don't think it's got more than anecdotal evidence going for it. Some forms of silver are still used medically as skin creams or eye drops, but not as anything you ingest, AFAIK.


Senior Member
I didn't find it helped at all as an antiviral. It did help though with the chronic sinus infection I keep getting. Not as well as some other things.

As an antiviral it could help if you get testing then then use one of the drugs that targets the virus. In my case Valtrex, Celebrex and Immunovir have been the best combo for me so far.


Senior Member
I didn't find it helped at all as an antiviral. It did help though with the chronic sinus infection I keep getting. Not as well as some other things.

As an antiviral it could help if you get testing then then use one of the drugs that targets the virus. In my case Valtrex, Celebrex and Immunovir have been the best combo for me so far.

I think Immunovir boosts the T cells. Perhaps the reason it is useful is because the T cells that are in the body are infected and disabled. Boosting the T cell count would give better response to infection. Perhaps thats why rituximab worked, because eliminating T cells allows the body to general fresh ones. However it isn't a cure since the infection will get to the new ones eventually also.


Senior Member
Dallas, TX
I think Immunovir boosts the T cells. Perhaps the reason it is useful is because the T cells that are in the body are infected and disabled. Boosting the T cell count would give better response to infection. Perhaps thats why rituximab worked, because eliminating T cells allows the body to general fresh ones. However it isn't a cure since the infection will get to the new ones eventually also.

I'm pretty sure Rituximab works on B cells. Right?


Senior Member
Midwest USA
I'm pretty sure Rituximab works on B cells. Right?
Rituximab does deplete B cells but it also appears to deplete T cells...

Also, the OP has asked to have her account removed so...I doubt she will see any of our responses.

Arthritis Rheum. 2013 Nov;65(11):2783-90. doi: 10.1002/art.38107.
Rituximab-induced T cell depletion in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: association with clinical response.
Mélet J1, Mulleman D, Goupille P, Ribourtout B, Watier H, Thibault G.
Author information

Rituximab, a monoclonal antibody specifically targeting CD20, induces B cell depletion and is effective in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). This study was undertaken to evaluate whether routine monitoring of lymphocyte subpopulations, especially T cells, may be useful in patients receiving rituximab for RA.

We examined data on all RA patients receiving rituximab between July 2007 and November 2012 in our center. Peripheral blood CD3+, CD4+, CD8+, CD3-CD56+, and CD19+ lymphocyte counts before and during the first course of rituximab were measured by flow cytometry. The Mann-Whitney nonparametric test was used to compare lymphocyte subpopulation counts before and during treatment.

Data on 52 patients were examined. Rituximab induced unexpected and substantial depletion of T cells, mainly CD4+ cells, in most patients. The CD4+ cell count decreased by a mean ± SD of 37 ± 33% as compared to baseline at week 12, reaching <200 cells/μl in 3 patients. Importantly, lack of CD4+ cell depletion was associated with no clinical response. Therefore, the mechanism of action of rituximab may depend at least in part on T cells.

Rituximab induces substantial T cell depletion, mainly of CD4+ cells, which is associated with the clinical response in RA. Routine monitoring of T cells may be useful in the clinical setting of RA.

Copyright © 2013 by the American College of Rheumatology.


Senior Member
The whole rationale is based on an autoimmune theory of CFS which presumably is triggered by a virus. However, I don't think this does a good enough job of explaining the diverse systemic effects of CFS as does a dual apoptosis blocking infection theory. Intracellular infections explain the problems and also explain autoimmune response to infected tissue.

If the cause of CFS is autoimmune why would EBV antibodies dissappear? It doesn't make sense.


Senior Member
New Mexico
Have you used it?
I have used it on and off for whenever I felt it was needed for various things that I think are bacterial. ie sinusitis, ear infection, uti. pink eye, etc. I'm not currently using it regularly for anti-viral protocol.........only because the things I am taking already for virus are working but I think it's definitely excellent for both. I recommend silver hydrosol (Sovereign Silver).