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Cognitive function changes throughout the day for me?

Like many of you, when evening and night comes my physical energy increases. I'm more easily able to do certain tasks and activities physically that usually drains me during the day. However some of my other symptoms actually gets worse by evening and night time, and that's my cognitive function. My ability to concentrate and read gets worse, vision becomes blurrier and it's accompanied with this heaviness/pressure feeling inside my head, mostly at the back of my head where it meets the neck. My face kind of heats up when this happens too.

In the beginning of my illness journey it was not like this, my brain fog and cognitive function would improve significantly by evening and night time to the point I would feel normal. I would feel crappy during the day, but normal at evening and night. During this time I was also having intense insomnia issues, I was only able to sleep 4-5 hours and could never get back to sleep again after I woke up. Then gradually over time my insomnia would dissolve, I was sleeping more hours and by this time my massive improvements at evening and night time were disappearing. It seems that the insomnia I went though changed something for me, and I really can't make sense of it.

Anyone here have any idea what this could mean?

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
accompanied with this heaviness/pressure feeling inside my head, mostly at the back of my head where it meets the neck.

I have alot of that and hate that part....

Anyone here have any idea what this could mean?

similar in that certain symptoms improve over the day while others get worse or show up in the evening. Generally I fall apart around 5 pm. And can't operate in the morning. That leaves a tiny window in the early afternoon.

Excuse me, the dull heaviness is just so constant.

I use some chinese herbs (a bit on and off at the moment), and the idea there is I am yin deficient (therefore, overheated) (inflamed) and the Yin is built back up when we sleep, and is used up during the day. So I feel that quite strongly (used up).


Senior Member
My ability to concentrate and read gets worse, vision becomes blurrier and it's accompanied with this heaviness/pressure feeling inside my head, mostly at the back of my head where it meets the neck. My face kind of heats up when this happens too.

No idea how to fix this, but it always reminds me of how you feel when you get heat stroke or heat exhaustion. There's a specific feeling to the type of headache and blurry vision.


Senior Member
No idea how to fix this, but it always reminds me of how you feel when you get heat stroke or heat exhaustion. There's a specific feeling to the type of headache and blurry vision.
it appears like your neck muscle tenses up, blocking flow of blood and leading to those problems.
i btw have this too, last 1-2 days getting better and worse over the day.
a hot-water bottle in the neck helps me - when its not too warm. in the winter i love it, in the summer... i hate it.

maybe this helps?
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Senior Member
I don't know the cause, but I usually reach a point in the evening when I have to give up reading and go to bed. It's not normal 'tiredness', but more of a cognitive shutdown. I think that effect has come and gone (and returned again :mad:) over the years of my ME.