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Cofactors of mitochondrial enzymes attenuate copper-induced death in vitro and in vivo

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
My friend encouraged me to obtain All THIAMINE (B-1)

I ordered the product, the biotin and the charcoal she recommended.

I did not launch that. This was last fall..so I've yet to even determine WHEN I can try to relaunch that.

Right now, I'm thinking the One methylated multi vitamin I take a a tiny bit of selenium and tiny bit of ALA is in fact contributing to ongoing low grade detox...

I'm trying to explain a reason I feel THIS AWFUL for this LONG and I'm simply Praying something will give soon.

I keep taking this ONE. (and Vitamin D)


Que sera sera
My friend encouraged me to obtain All THIAMINE (B-1)

I ordered the product, the biotin and the charcoal she recommended.

I did not launch that. This was last fall..so I've yet to even determine WHEN I can try to relaunch that.

Right now, I'm thinking the One methylated multi vitamin I take a a tiny bit of selenium and tiny bit of ALA is in fact contributing to ongoing low grade detox...

I'm trying to explain a reason I feel THIS AWFUL for this LONG and I'm simply Praying something will give soon.

I keep taking this ONE. (and Vitamin D)

yeah, it can be so hard to determine what is causing reactions in us.
B1 needs other vitamins with it as well like magnesium and potassium to be properly assimilated. Thus far i have found it very helpful but it does stir some histamine in me which i am still trying to sort out.