"Coat hanger" and nerve pain all over my body after straining muscle groups!?


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Why does my nerves get so inflamed after straining muscle groups?

Coat hanger pain but only in my buttocks* (Perfect description)

What can this be?

My main symptom/issue is when I strain my muscles too far they begin to burn and I get nerve inflammation.

When I strain my muscles too far:

When I do this with my arms the big nerve in my arms which I think must be the median nerve gets super inflamed and painful. It burns like crazy. This can be from typing on my macbook.
What helps is very tight compression sleeves and rest.

Same with my legs after straining them I get nerve inflammation which resolves with tight compression and rest.

Upper back
For example washing dishes (I cant do this) will strain my upper back and give me coat hanger pain. Resolves with rest, needle mat, massage ball, compression and rest.

Lower back
I strained my lower back harder than I ever had early november. I still struggle. My dysautonomia got way worse with dizzy spells, almost fainting and brainfog.
I have very painful back muscles now that goes down into my booty. It feels like I have coat hanger pain in my buttocks. It feels like it is the big nerves on both sides of my butt thats super inflamed and painful.

The problem is that I cant get the necessary compression tightness on my ass or my lower/mid back. I cant have too tight compression over my stomach muscles as it strains them.
I would LOVE for any tips to how to try to resolve this as this has tanked my quality of life.

And lastly, what could be the reason for this? Why does my nerves get so inflamed? Is it hypoxia? Are they starving from lack of oxygen?

It must be lack of oxygen! Its the same feeling as coat hanger pain but only in other places of my body. This makes sense right?!

Ideas I have to resolve this:
Mestinon/Huperzine A
ARA 290
BPC 157
Get my sister to modify a super tight compression shirt so that it will not strain my stomach muscles.
Get a super tight compression boxershorts or something to help my inflamed nerves in my bottom.

All suggestions and tips are welcome!

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I have similar symptoms, more activity I have, more nerve burning I get. Scared as hell if that is progressive. I found NAC (N acetyl cysteine) is helping with this. I take 600mg a day.

After one week of NAC usage, nerve burning completely disappeared for 1 hour. I felt drugged, but I had really weird sensations in my head. I can't explain this feeling, it wasn't painful at all. Then, nerve burning came back, but it lessened a bit.


Senior Member
What do you mean by "nerve inflammation" and what kind of pain? Do you get muscle lactic acid burning from any motion or movement/use your muscles, even just slightly?

Do you get any knots during these pains? Or change in how the muscle feels in terms of rigidity & plasticity when pushing with your fingers?

I have similar, but not the same, muscle problems. My latest idea, after having ruled out every mineral deficiency, is that it's due to low oxygen from hypoperfusion at the capillary level, due to microclots (hopefully). No evidence of this, only theory.

I get lactic acid burning pain in my muscle with little things like combing hair, climbing stairs, holding plate, etc. I also have coathanger pain, a lot of neck pain, and all over muscle pain/discomfort. My muscles are very tight and hard. I'd say rigid, but I don't have "muscle rigidity." Also, if I hold my muscles in a position for a long time, like had my arms/hands bent on my chest while I'm asleep, my muscles there will get pain and really tight, feeling like swollen pain (may be how you describe nerve inflammation?). Sleeping funny with my neck is also a huge trigger, and holding my computer in bed causes it too, since it's a repetitive motion/position.

The only things that help are heating pad and magnesium citrate. A heated rice bag works better as it makes better contact with my muscles, but I have to reheat it often. So continuous heat over a couple hours is needed. I don't know why or how mag citrate helps, if it's the magnesium or if it's the citrate. Other magnesium forms didn't help. And I would need huge doses of magnesium too, like 2-3g/day (basically the max I could tolerate). Previously, if I missed a dose of magnesium citrate, I'd get intense muscle pain - often suicidal pain if it's in my neck. After IV mag citrate, my demand for mag citrate is less. It helps, but not as much as before.

Massage and dry needling are partially affected. Massage sometimes helps in acute pain attacks, but not always. And it did nothing for chronic muscle pain as I tried 1 hr massages 3x/week for 1 month at the massage school (much cheaper), and it didn't help. I felt a bit looser and good immediately after, but it was gone by the evening. And didn't effect my overall chronic pains/symptoms. Dry Needling did help a bit loosening up some knots and muscles. They became much more pliable and softer afterwards.


Senior Member
Try using bandage wrap to help in compression. You can wrap it as tight as you want, but could also wrap it too tight this way. Do you have any theory on why compression garments help? I should give them a try.

I plan on trying ARA290 for this, but need some others to participate in group buy to make it more affordable.

I could probably be able to try cialis fairly easily. Is the theory just that it will provide more blood flow?


Senior Member
What do you mean by "nerve inflammation" and what kind of pain? Do you get muscle lactic acid burning from any motion or movement/use your muscles, even just slightly?

Do you get any knots during these pains? Or change in how the muscle feels in terms of rigidity & plasticity when pushing with your fingers?

I have similar, but not the same, muscle problems. My latest idea, after having ruled out every mineral deficiency, is that it's due to low oxygen from hypoperfusion at the capillary level, due to microclots (hopefully). No evidence of this, only theory.

I get lactic acid burning pain in my muscle with little things like combing hair, climbing stairs, holding plate, etc. I also have coathanger pain, a lot of neck pain, and all over muscle pain/discomfort. My muscles are very tight and hard. I'd say rigid, but I don't have "muscle rigidity." Also, if I hold my muscles in a position for a long time, like had my arms/hands bent on my chest while I'm asleep, my muscles there will get pain and really tight, feeling like swollen pain (may be how you describe nerve inflammation?). Sleeping funny with my neck is also a huge trigger, and holding my computer in bed causes it too, since it's a repetitive motion/position.

The only things that help are heating pad and magnesium citrate. A heated rice bag works better as it makes better contact with my muscles, but I have to reheat it often. So continuous heat over a couple hours is needed. I don't know why or how mag citrate helps, if it's the magnesium or if it's the citrate. Other magnesium forms didn't help. And I would need huge doses of magnesium too, like 2-3g/day (basically the max I could tolerate). Previously, if I missed a dose of magnesium citrate, I'd get intense muscle pain - often suicidal pain if it's in my neck. After IV mag citrate, my demand for mag citrate is less. It helps, but not as much as before.

Massage and dry needling are partially affected. Massage sometimes helps in acute pain attacks, but not always. And it did nothing for chronic muscle pain as I tried 1 hr massages 3x/week for 1 month at the massage school (much cheaper), and it didn't help. I felt a bit looser and good immediately after, but it was gone by the evening. And didn't effect my overall chronic pains/symptoms. Dry Needling did help a bit loosening up some knots and muscles. They became much more pliable and softer afterwards.
With Nerve inflammation I mean in my arm for example that the nerve between my biceps and triceps (median nerve) suddenly is super inflamed. My arms burns and when i push my fingers down into my arms the only place thats super inflamed and painful is the median nerve. Very interesting. The same happens in the rest of my body with different nerves it seems like in my buttocks (both sides of my bottoms), the nerve that goes up the sides of my thighs, like between the front and back thigh muscles so just in the middle, kind of like with the median nerve in my arms.

"Do you get muscle lactic acid burning from any motion or movement/use your muscles, even just slightly?"
Yes It feels like lactic acid burning but again when I push my fingers into my arms etc its the nerve that makes this feeling. I have yet to measure lactic acid in my blood which I should. I think my tests at my Drs office have been normal but I may want to get an instrument to do this at home.. But yes I get this feeling in my muscles I guess but compression have given me more "endurance" though Im still super limited. But sleeves for example makes typing, driving, making food etc easier. But with my new issues in my back Ive become even more limited and I cant cook my burgers and egg yolks anymore. But hopefully compression bandage and some form of modified compression shirts etc can get me back where I was!

At the end of the summer I was laying in the sun for hours every day it was sunny. My arm muscles/nerves would start burning if I took of the sleeves while tanning from the minimal useage of the arms which is crazy but having my sleeves on resolves this!! Isnt that wild? My arms burns like crazy now so I have to stop typing, I will answer more later. I would love to hear more about your experience and symptoms since its not very often I meet others with the same symptoms. I have talked to 2 others on PR with the same symptoms, now 3 with you.

I do ARA 290 actually. WIll need to see how it works longterm. Magnesium malate removes my muscle twitching, I will try citrate as well!


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Senior Member
I tried to look up a homeopathic remedy based on what you said, the only one I can find is rhus tox. Check the symtoms it's for and see if there is enough similarities to make you want to give it a try. You don't have to have all the symptoms.


Well you could check calcarea fluor as its action is similar to rhus tox. See how it lists burning pain in lower back.
Thank you! I will have a look. All my burning pain comes after exertion btw which is interesting.


Senior Member
I came to think about an episode in 2019. I had severe shortness of breath and burnt out jaw muscles to the point I couldnt talk and had to drink my food. I tested and had abnormal/low oxygen saturation. I felt like I was suffocating.

I have had lots of these episodes but they are luckily spread out and are not happening that often, knock on wood. But I guess these symptoms are even more evidence pointing to tissue hypoxia/lack of oxygen.


Senior Member
Hi @ChookityPop.....I don't know about everything you're having, but it certainly sounds like fibromyalgia could be one of your main problems. Burning pain does accompany that....as well as knots under the skin (in some people) and well, you can check out the symptoms online. I've had it for a minimum of 35 years and yes, the armpit can help relieve some of the back and arm pain. Someone has mentioned heat, but I found that ice works best for me...Ace bandages ice packs to be exact. We're all different, so use whatever works best.
I would see your neurologist or rheumatologist and the pain levels can at least be reduced. Never taken away totally, but reduced. Yours, Lenora.
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Senior Member
With Nerve inflammation I mean in my arm for example that the nerve between my biceps and triceps (median nerve) suddenly is super inflamed. My arms burns and when i push my fingers down into my arms the only place thats super inflamed and painful is the median nerve. Very interesting. The same happens in the rest of my body with different nerves it seems like in my buttocks (both sides of my bottoms), the nerve that goes up the sides of my thighs, like between the front and back thigh muscles so just in the middle, kind of like with the median nerve in my arms.

Ah okay. Hmm. That doesn't really sound exactly like me. Mine doesn't feel like it originates in the nerve, nor do I get any pain/burning when pushing down on my skin/muscles. Very interesting.

My arm muscles/nerves would start burning if I took of the sleeves while tanning from the minimal useage of the arms which is crazy but having my sleeves on resolves this!! Isnt that wild?
Yeah that is pretty crazy. I have no idea how the compression garments would be helping, other than improving poor venous return. Could this be a vascular problem? I don't know.


Senior Member
Ah okay. Hmm. That doesn't really sound exactly like me. Mine doesn't feel like it originates in the nerve, nor do I get any pain/burning when pushing down on my skin/muscles. Very interesting.

Yeah that is pretty crazy. I have no idea how the compression garments would be helping, other than improving poor venous return. Could this be a vascular problem? I don't know.
Maybe I described it poorly, I don't have pain in my skin or muscles from pushing down. The median nerve in both upper arms are very painful when I push my finger into it to the point I am toucing the nerve. It almost feels like its a knot on the median nerve. Do you have median nerve pain when doing that?

I did an ultra sound test of the veins in my legs while standing but they did not find anything. Maybe I should get a second opinion. I took off the compression and stood right up and down, maybe I should cut out the compression that day to trigger my symptoms. My symptoms seems very much like venous insufficiency (more like full body venous insufficiency). Thanks for bringing it to my attention again.


Senior Member
Maybe I described it poorly, I don't have pain in my skin or muscles from pushing down. The median nerve in both upper arms are very painful when I push my finger into it to the point I am toucing the nerve. It almost feels like its a knot on the median nerve. Do you have median nerve pain when doing that?
Hmm.. I tried pushing on my median nerve on my inner upper arm between bicep & tricep and in the middle bewteen armpit and elbow. The only feeling I get is I can feel it sort of be tingly ("funny bone" type feeling), but only when I roll over the median nerve. Pushing on it doesn't really illicit anything unless it pushes or rolls the nerve to the side. I don't get any pain or anything like you describe. Where on the nerve are you pushing?

While I doubt this could be it, since I believe you can recognize your median nerve and describe the pain you feel. But I'll share it nonetheless on the small chance it helps. Could you be mistaking what your pushing on? Could it possibly not be the medial nerve you are pushing or assigning the pain to but rather be a very tight muscle strand or knot? I doubt it, since the median nerve is quite exposed on the upper arm medially. If you are pushing in your arm pit area, I can still feel my medial nerve there. But there also are many tendons/tight muscles there.

Another idea, maybe a physical therapist, chiropractor, or other muscle worker might be able to help diagnose in some way?

I did an ultra sound test of the veins in my legs while standing but they did not find anything. Maybe I should get a second opinion. I took off the compression and stood right up and down, maybe I should cut out the compression that day to trigger my symptoms. My symptoms seems very much like venous insufficiency (more like full body venous insufficiency). Thanks for bringing it to my attention again.
Testing while you're having symptoms would probably be more helpful, if there's anything to be seen.

Also, see if there is a lymphadema specialist (a doctor or physical therapist) that you could see. Since their patients require constant compression, maybe they've seen something similar to your case, even if you don't have any edema or swelling.