

I've had a search through but can't find any really specific threads. One of the main things I really suffer with is clumsiness, both physically and with my speech. Does anyone else experience this to such a high level? For example, when I'm tired I will just stop holding things. It's like my hands spasm or something and will just fail to continue holding something. The other night I carried a bowl of cereal into the lounge and then just dropped the whole thing onto a table full of clean laundry! (It's enough to make some food and eat it when you're this tired, let alone have to pick up Cheerios from all over your coffee table...!!) I haven't bothered to fix my phone screen because I constantly drop it, amongst everything else.

In terms of speech, I either slur or I say completely different words to the ones I mean. If I'm trying to say 'machine' it will come out 'magazine', or alternatively I'll just use a completely nonsensical word, without being able to control it. It's like I can 'see' what I want to say in my mind, but my speech comes out totally differently. I also have trouble thinking of words for things. I always thought I had bad memory problems but now I'm wondering if it's yet another thing that can be linked to ME.

Sorry if this has been posted before and I've missed it! I'm still learning how all my little quirks are connected! :)


Moose Enthusiast
One of the main things I really suffer with is clumsiness
My hands don't spasm, but I am so clumsy when I'm tired. I think it's because the muscles in my hands are tired and have less muscle tone, so I need to concentrate on really gripping something that I'm holding. If I'm not concentrating, things slip out of my floppy hands. And it's hard because I don't have the energy to bend over and pick up all the things I drop.

In terms of speech, I either slur or I say completely different words to the ones I mean.
That happens to me too! I notice when I slur my words because it's usually because I don't have the energy to use the muscles in my mouth and face to speak clearly. But I often mix up words without noticing, which leads to a lot of weird looks and embarrassing situations.
@IThinkImTurningJapanese oh no! How awful! I'm covered in bruises from always walking into things! I actually found a thread about 'swaying', which I think must be what happens

@RebeccaRe that makes perfect sense to me, it's like my hands too tired to keep holding things, but it's always very sudden!

@andyguitar thanks! I'm similar people get several names, including my cats, until I find it in my head!


Senior Member
I don't have the speech issue, although maybe I dint notice since I'm usually talking out loud to myself. But I do a have an increasing inability for fine motor ability, at awkward times. I take meds for a familial tremor in my hands but this seems different.. where suddenly I loose control of my hand and arm movements and it turns into a large gross motor jerk instead of even a small tremor. Rather embarracing trying to eat in public, carry anything where I'm trying to pay attention to being smooth and holding my arm still and suddenly my arm goes flying off a different direction, or over extends what I'm trying to do. It happen more when I'm thinking and trying NOT to jerk or cause an accident. Weird thing in the brain.:confused:


Senior Member
Definitely an ME/CFS thing. I've noticed peaks and troughs in both my fine and gross motorskills, depending on how the rest of my symptoms are. I walk into a lot of stuff (due to both reduced proprioception and just not having control over where my body's going while in motion), lose the ability to hold things tightly and slur words a lot. I often have to stop what I'm saying to figure out what exactly it is that I'm trying to say, including word selection.

Wish my brain was getting enough energy to function properly! (I'm sure many of us wish for this, among other things :) )


Senior Member
Hi @ewmkiki. What you describe does sound like an ME thing, but if you've not discussed it with your GP I think you should because a neurologist referral may be needed to rule out other things if you haven't already seen one.

How frustrating to have cereal all over your laundry!


when I start to do too much, I cannot hold anything with left hand (without making a conscious effort to grab, I have to think about it). You have no ideas how many coffees drop, cellphones flying....When my brain is inflamed is worst.
I have depth perception issues (you should see the left side of my old garage!!!) and bump my body constantly.

I also have issues with words.
Canada West Coast
I have the same problem with dropping things - one moment it is in my hand, next moment on the floor. It seems to be an ME thing - I found it on a list of symptoms put out by the local ME society. I also recollect it from way back - 40 years ago when I had my first go around with ME. And I used to have a neighbour who had fibromyalgia and she had the same problem.
Thank you all so much for your input! I wish it was just me so that you didn't all have to experience it, but it is comforting to know I'm not alone!

I will go to the doctor about it too - I've just moved so I'm about to register for one. Hopefully I will find an understanding one!