I don't get full-on blisters, but I get red and angry raised tag-shapes from most clothing tags (though not all. so I'm with you on the theory that there is a fabric issue there.} At the chiro recently she aksed me if I had been wearing a patch. It took me a beat or two to even understand what she was talking about, but she touched my low back and I told her it was the tag in my (old and beloved) pants. She was aghast."It's the exact shape!" she said in amazement. Even wierder, that one I didn;t even feel! Some I have to cut out *right away*, like tear-off-the-garment right away.
I had a new one recently, with an older pair of pants that have a metal sipper. I got the angry red blotchies where the xipper touched my skin, and it drove me nuts the whole time I was out. I think this is because. much like being unable to wear jewelry unless it's gold, I have developed a nickel allergy, which is especially exascerbated right now while I am actively chelating truly insane amounts of lead.
Speaking of zippers, anyone else have to peel off the plastic squares they meld to the fabric at the bottom of a jacket zipper? They drive me nuts!