@taniaaust1 I was wondering if you had high blood pressure?
My blood pressure is perfect, but I have sleep problems and when I did the sleep study, I had frequent spikes of heart rate which coincided with arousal from sleep. The machine where I measure my blood pressure, says "possible cardiac arrythmia found". I tried it on someone else and did not say it. For me it says it everytime.
Upon falling asleep, if the environment is even a slightly noisy, I will have what seems to be palpitations or higher heart rate/blood pressure, i dont know exactly what it is.
I want to try clonidine, after reading my urinary norepinephrine coming high and after I read a study using it for sleep. I am wondering if you know if a low dose of clonidine will cause any significative lowering of heart rate or blood pressure?
I have been using sometimes trazodone but I still seem to wake up after 5 hours and I think it's the mcpp metabolite working. Even at 25mg I get a stuffy nose, which tells me that it is working on alpha adrenergic.