Okay, good news!
Physical energy has increased to at least the level that I was at previously, if not slightly higher. Mental energy seems to be following suit at a slightly more sluggish pace. Most amazingly of all, my sleep schedule appears to be normalizing itself. Understand that for the past four years my internal clock has been set to 26-hour days, meaning if nothing else interferes I fall asleep approximately 2 hours later each day, which means that my "bedtime" shifts to two hours later each day, which means that I just travel around the clock in this fashion with absolutely no consideration for day or night.
I really don't want to speak too soon, but I had been noticing some indications over the past week, and then the night before last night I fell asleep around 2 am and then woke up at 8:30, and then last night I ended up falling alseep around 11:30 and woke up at 7:30! Look at that, sleep schedule righting itself instead of continuing to go later like it's done for the past 4 years! Woohoo!!!
Another difference is that when I wake up, within about 5 minutes I feel the distinct need to actually get up. Whereas before I would wake up and could then rest peacefully for an hour or two, now I have to get up pretty much right away, though I do of course need to return to rest later. I still have to ge the same amount of "rest" time in, but my body is no longer happy with that rest time happening immediately upon waking. This effect was very strong while I was on the initial stage of the protocol, and i thought it was jsut a side effect, because getting only 6 or 7 hours of sleep per night and not being able to rest upon waking was a pretty bad combination. But now that the protocol is relaxed to teh weekly dose I'm generally getting enough sleep (unless something interferes) and that drive to get up soon after waking seems to be a good and healthy thing.
Understand that I've been to sleep specilists and have tried every trick in the book, and it has not aided my sleep. And while I again really don't want to speak too soon, this improvement is too exciting to keep silent about. My next weekly dose is tomorrow, so we'll see if that affects anything.
There is a bit of slightly bad news: while I was still on the initial stage of the protocol I added organic raw aged cheese to my diet after not having any diary products in 4 years due to a severe dairy allergy (more severe than celiec). I'm still in the process of testing the effect this cheese has on me. It's possible the cheese could be influencing my results from the protocol. I doubt it's effecting the sleep portion of it, because my sleep was affected by the protocol before I began eating the cheese. I have been having a constant headache that waxes and wanes, and I'm not currently certain fo the cause. It appears to be a sinus headache but it's lasted for I think a week and a half now. It might be due to the cheese but it does not go away (and even appears to get worse) when I stop eating cheese for a few days.
So there you have it; I'm not a very good test subject. I have not noticed any improvement in MCS reactions, but if my sleep stays this way then that's improvement enough to make all the difficulty worth it. I'll update again when I know more for certain.
I plan to continue to take the weekly doses for at least a month or two, and eventually someday I'll cease them to test whether or not they're still necessary. In the meantime, however, I need to focus on my next prootocol before my teeth completely give out on me. Stay tuned for scenes from our next episode.