Cistus incanus


Senior Member
sb4 - Would you be interested in using the BioPure Stevia? Here is BioPure’s International Shipping Info. -
I did not see an option to calculate international shipping rates (brain is foggy right now), so I don’t know if the cost would be too expensive to interest you.

Have you decided what type of water you will be using to brew your tea? As noted in an earlier post, I will be using the Fiji brand of bottled water.

Just thought it might be interesting if two of us were trying the tea at the same point and noting the differences and similarities in the products we are using, along with how we are preparing the tea, what we are adding to it and how much per day we are drinking.


Senior Member
United Kingdom
@Wally I am going to stick with the green powdered stevia I already have, save some £££s. I will probably be using regular bottled spring/mineral water but might also use tap when run out.

Yes it would be interesting to note experiences. My prediction is it will go:
Day 1 - nothing happened.
Day 2 - nothing happened.
Day 3 - nothing happened.
Day 40 - gave up.

However I'm hoping to be pleasantly surprised.


Senior Member
I have tried cistus tea a few times, which l ordered from Germany. Nothing happened but l am going to give it another go though hoping it is still potent. I took a cup today using distilled water.
How are you all doing with the Cistus Tea trials? Does anyone know if the cistus tincture is as effective as the tea leaves ?


Senior Member
Hi! @Lemnia just saw your post in the Naviaux/Suramin thread and I was going to respond that I had posted Dr. Klinghardt’s May 2018 Austism One lecture on this thread - and also here in the “Cistus Incanus” thread.

Note - Dr. Klinghardt discusses Cistus Incanus at the 39:45 minute marker.

@sb4 - Here is a quick update on the status of my Cistus Tea experiment. I received the whole leaf Stevia extract in the mail at the end of last week. I am planning to brew my first batch of tea this evening and I am preparing a new thread, specifically for my Cistus Incanus Tea experiment. I hope to have that new thread up on the Forum by tomorrow. I felt pretty ill over the weekend and yesterday, so I held off on starting my experiment until I could fully participate in getting things set up. Today I am feeling better, so I decided it was a good time to start the clock on this little project.

I also talked last week with someone who I trust and who has quite a bit of knowledge about this illness, treatments and my current condition. They have advised me to go very slowly with my experiment. It was suggested that I start with one cup of tea or less, sipping slowly throughout the day to see how much of that one cup of tea I can tolerate. They have also recently started drinking the tea and they will share with me how this experience works out for them. They will be adding lemon to their tea for the Vit. C benefit. I will not add this additional ingredient, at this time, in order to limit the first phase of my tea experiment to just three ingredients - 1) Cistus Incanus (a mixture of this plant’s dried leaves, flowers and young stems), 2) bottled, water and 3) whole leaf Stevia extract.

I have also been able to recruit a family to be my healthy control in this experiment. They have previously been selected as a healthy control for several ME/CFS research studies. So I am glad that this individual has been pre-screened as a “healthy control” and they are willing to drink my tea concoction and participate in my experiment.

My next guinea pig to try recruit for Cistus Incanus tea research will be our family dog (a beagle), but I need to get clearance from his vet that using this tea with stevia should be safe for him to ingest and also to be used topically on his fur/skin. We definitely live in a “tick” popolated area, so an experiment to see how this tea concoction might work as a tick repellent could easily be conducted in our backyard. Without the use of our current pharmaceutical tick repellent, our dog is a magnet for ticks who eagerly hitchhike on his fur when he patrols our yard or takes walks through the neighborhood. It would be great to find a more natural product that would be as effective as the current tick repellent that we use.


Senior Member
United Kingdom
@Wally Interesting, I look forward to the thread. I have to received the tea however will not start for maybe 1-2 weeks as I am just finishing off another experiment I am doing. Good luck!


Senior Member
@Aspie Lymie - I have not yet posted on my tea experiment because I needed to interrupt the experiment to go back on some medication for severe GERD symptoms that I could not get under control. I did not want to be on the medication at the same time as I was taking the tea to keep my experiment with as few variables as possible.

I have started back up with tea today because I am done with a two week course of medication. I plan to post the details of my experiment by this weekend that should include about two weeks of data being on this protocol.

So far no negative side effects from the tea and I was able to get up to 6 to 8 cups of tea per day. Definitely helped me to stay hydrated. The tea is also suppose to work to break up biofilm in the mouth and help to whiten your teeth (teeth whitening is the opposite of what you would expect from drinking tea).

My tea experiment is planned for a 60 day period. I am very interested to see if drinking this tea for a significant period of time will have any effect on the sore throat and neck lymph nodes that I regularly experience.
Cool, good luck, @Wally, I'll try it took but with the other things mentioned in Dr Klingdardt's antiretroviral protocol. I'll first do the blood work (At least Nagalase and RANTES). We need to explore this possibility. I'll keep you posted in a few months. Feel free to let un know how your body reacts on your end. Thank you and best of luck!


almost there...
Laurentians, Quebec
Biopure has an office in Europe as well as one in the US. Sound familiar? That's right, just like Klingharft. And you say the one in Washington is 20 miles from his clinic? ;)

He's been pushing Biopure products online and in his clinics for years. And he also heavily implies or outright states that THESE are the only ones that are really effective. Just as he's doing with the cistus tea now. He hypes whatever he's into that year, gives people hope, and then he steers them to his companies. And notice he's always taking the "now we've got it!" position. He's gone from his CORE protocol to his liposomal antimicrobials to mold sensitivity to EMF avoidance to his latest antiretroviral approach, etc. "No financial interest" MY ASS!!!

I don't much care for Klinghardt but I will check up on him every year or so to see what he's up to; which is to say I think I might learn about some new alternative treatment that might be somewhat valuable. However, I'll use other sources for my trials.

So that unpleasantness out of the way. I'm now looking into antiretroviral herbs and drugs, and I'm placing orders. I'll be trying cistus incanus as well, and I'll report back on the effects. Though I'm going to be combining it with other ARV's. The reason being I've seen very impressive results with ARV herbs in the past but the effects fade to nothing over several months. At those times I wasn't even thinking I might be treating a retrovirus, it was only in the last few months that it's occurred to me as a possible explanation for how I responded. And if I'm correct the virus has adapted immunity to those herbs.

I've Lyme and babesia and I've seen great benefits treating the latter over the last few years. Mold avoidance has been very helpful for me through this time as well. I used to have a pretty serious EMF hypersensitivity but that's mostly in the past as long as I'm not living in a moldy house. And now I've some reason to believe retroviruses, either endogenous or exogenous, are involved. So you see I don't think Klinghardt is all that crazy. I believe he's a healer and is on the right page, but I think he's dishonest about his financial interests, and I think some of what he's into is crap.


Senior Member
United Kingdom
@Dufresne Good points and things I have wandered about myself.

I will say that it is quite possible that Klinghardt gets good results and biopure have found this to be true (or even cynically noticed a business opportunity) and therefore have set up close to him in locations that people who visit klinghardt can have easy access to. This could easily have happened spontaneously without Klinghardt having financial ties (does he even need that much extra money now? I imagine he is doing pretty well.)

Of course it could also easily be true that he is receiving money from them and its all a marketing scam. I guess there is only one way to find out.


Senior Member
So, what's happening with your antiviral trials? I just watched the Klinghard retrovirus video too and think he's onto something... I don't think he's the first to connect Lyme with viral infection as Buhner seems to have gone there before Dr. K. I have lots of reading to do!
True [1], [2], [3].
Regarding the antiviral cure with Truvada, cistus incanus tea, and antiviral supplements, I just stopped, as I saw no herx or improvement. I'm going to try a long anti-candida protocol starting this week-end.


Senior Member
United Kingdom
I did the cistus tea trial about 1 month ago. Didn't notice any real change that I attribute to it whilst doing the tea. Was doing other things at the same time. I don't think this was effective in me.


Senior Member
True [1], [2], [3].
I'm going to try a long anti-candida protocol starting this week-end.

That's what I'm doing as it seems to me that 80-90% of my symptoms come from Candida. If I can wipe it out, it would make dealing with the upstream causes a lot easier (Lyme, viral infections, & heavy metals)...


Always looking for new knowledge and options!
True [1], [2], [3].
Regarding the antiviral cure with Truvada, cistus incanus tea, and antiviral supplements, I just stopped, as I saw no herx or improvement.[...]
How long and what dose did you take?
Some say at least 4-6 months and they take 2-3g Cistus per day!
Hi "Howirecovered". I'm 3 months into the antiviral trials now (under Dr. Pridgen in the US) . It's been a roller coaster ride, but I was told to expect this. When I first started the medications I had 4 days of hell. Then 5 days of really great. This was unheard of for me, 5 days in a row of great days! Then back to the bad days and swinging back and forth. But, now three months in I can honestly say I'm having more good days than bad and and feel I'm improving.