Circulating microRNA expression signatures accurately discriminate myalgic encephalomyelitis from fibromyalgia... (Nepotchatykh et al, 2023)

Circulating microRNA expression signatures accurately discriminate myalgic encephalomyelitis from fibromyalgia and comorbid conditions

Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), and fibromyalgia (FM) are two chronic complex diseases with overlapping symptoms affecting multiple systems and organs over time. Due to the absence of validated biomarkers and similarity in symptoms, both disorders are misdiagnosed, and the comorbidity of the two is often unrecognized. Our study aimed to investigate the expression profiles of 11 circulating miRNAs previously associated with ME/CFS pathogenesis in FM patients and individuals with a comorbid diagnosis of FM associated with ME/CFS (ME/CFS + FM), and matched sedentary healthy controls. Whether these 11 circulating miRNAs expression can differentiate between the two disorders was also examined. Our results highlight differential circulating miRNAs expression signatures between ME/CFS, FM and ME/CFS + FM, which also correlate to symptom severity between ME/CFS and ME/CFS + FM groups. We provided a prediction model, by using a machine-learning approach based on 11 circulating miRNAs levels, which can be used to discriminate between patients suffering from ME/CFS, FM and ME/CFS + FM. These 11 miRNAs are proposed as potential biomarkers for discriminating ME/CFS from FM. The results of this study demonstrate that ME/CFS and FM are two distinct illnesses, and we highlight the comorbidity between the two conditions. Proper diagnosis of patients suffering from ME/CFS, FM or ME/CFS + FM is crucial to elucidate the pathophysiology of both diseases, determine preventive measures, and establish more effective treatments.
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Senior Member
I must be missing something. Neither CFS/ME or FM has a biomarker. And now they claim there is a biomarker to tell one from the other?


Senior Member
I must be missing something. Neither CFS/ME or FM has a biomarker. And now they claim there is a biomarker to tell one from the other?

It has just been found, there wasn’t any before. I’m part of this study, I have been for many years, since day one. If they find a way to put this to market, there will be an easy way to diagnose ME and FM and distinguish between the two. In my case I’m lucky, I have both.

This is not some schmuk study.
Quote from the study
One of the confirmed targets of miR-374b-5p is the transcript of VEGFA44 (Fig. 5). The levels of VEGF-A protein are reported to be reduced in the plasma of ME/CFS patients45. VEGF-A could play a role in post-exertional malaise and fatigue experienced by ME/CFS patients because VEGF-A is known to direct vasculogenesis and angiogenesis, plays a role in the maintenance of capillary supply in normal skeletal muscle and its mRNA was shown to increase in skeletal muscles following acute exercise

There is alot of indications that there is a problem with oxygen delivery in this disease.

VEGF/Angiogenesis downregulation as mentioned above
Preload failure
Reduced RBC deformability
Mitochondrial & Peroxisome dysfunction (both organelles rely on oxygen)
Endothelial dysfunction
Reduced blood flow to the brain
Reduced limbic perfusion
Increased vasoregulatory antibodies to GPCRs
Autonomic dysfuncion
Elevated lactate
Decreased NO production (a vasodilator)

Just to name a few


Senior Member
Pr Moreau was interviewed on a radio show about his new paper. He says the diagnosis tool is a simple PCR with a blood test. He said it could be done very easily by existing clinics and pharmacies. He didn’t say what it entails as far as government approval, but this will be the biggest show stopper IMO.

I hope OMF steps in and makes this happen fast. Not for me, I don’t need it; too late. But for everyone struggling to get a diagnosis.


This is weird. The levels of 9 of 11 miRNAs are higher in pure me/cfs than controls. Meanwhile all the MirRNAs are far lower in fibromyalgia than in controls. People with both ME/CFS and FM end up in the middle! but lower than controls.

It would have been a lot easier to generate narratives about how these damn diseases work if healthy control values were at one extreme with the values for sick people arrayed on one side, not straddling!


Relative expression of circulating miRNAs in individuals with ME/CFS, FM, ME/CFS + FM and HC. Displayed in the graphs are the mean and ± standard error of the mean of (a) hsa-miR-28-5p (b) hsa-miR-29a-3p (c) hsa-miR-127-3p (d) hsa-miR-140-5p (e) hsa-miR-150-5p (f) hsa-miR-181b-5p (g) hsa-miR-374b-5p (h) hsa-miR-486-5p (i) hsa-miR-3620-3p (j) hsa-miR-4433a-5p (k) hsa-miR-6819-3p. One-way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s multiple comparisons test were performed to determine the significant difference in the miRNA expression between the groups. Results were considered significant at *P value < 0.05, **P value < 0.01, ***P value < 0.001, ****P value < 0.0001.


Senior Member
It would have been a lot easier to generate narratives about how these damn diseases work if healthy control values were at one extreme with the values for sick people arrayed on one side, not straddling!

There’s only a few like that from what I see. Pr Moreau said that people who had both ME/CFS were more ill than those who did not. That makes sense but I haven’t felt I was sicker than most. But, I am definitely getting worse with time and having more pain.

I can’t wait until he gets to the next phase (medication). I have gotten my scientific report from the study and with my doctor, we are going to try to improve one or two areas that came unbalanced in my tests.