Re: pheochromoctyoma. One of the zebras of medicine, but one that does occur. Who should be "ruled out" for pheo? People with hypertension. This is particularly true if blood pressure medicines aren't working, or if the hypertension is episodic and associated with the symptoms GaryK mentioned. BP can be very high (250/150) which causes headaches and chest pain if you aren't used to it. (Yes, I've seen people with untreated hypertension who are "used" to this!) I would think that having high BP and high heart rate at the same time would be a clue to excessive epinephrine/norepinephrine as released by these tumors, but don't see that mentioned (of course that combination also associated with fear and pain!). Not all pheo's are epidosidic releasers of these hormones, though, so persistent hypertension is possible, too. Once suspected, you have to find where they (or it) are in the body, which can be the hard part. Embryologically they are associated with the adrenals, which is why they'd be near the kidneys in most, but not all cases. Bottom line, if you have hypertension and these other symptoms, might be worth looking into. No high BP, no, forget it, it's not pheo.