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Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Trending on Yahoo


Senior Member
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is the #3 most searched for term on Yahoo right now. Normally, I'd be thrilled but I think people are reading the Pace report.

(sigh) Should I just prepare myself now for people to say to me "Didn't you hear all you have to do is exercise and you'll be better."

Can anyone think of a way this can be a good thing? Pretty please. :)


Senior Member
Hi bees,

The only thing I can think of that might be positive is if people scroll down a little, they might come across a genuine website. It's hard for me to say though, because I only get the UK version of yahoo and that's probably quite differen to the one you view!

Anyway it has got me thinking....do we know much about how many hits a site needs before it can be raised onto the top-5 list in search engines? It may be feasible, if we work in a co-ordinated fashion over a number of years, to get the sites we want in the top-5. So, for example, the disapedia article would appear instead of the wikipedia article. It would be great if there were a straightforward, attention-grabbing, truth-speaking website that we could get to number 1...maybe I should post this in the advocacy brainstorming thread.

So anyway, it's not great news, but there may be the birth of an idea on how to change things for next time a study comes out!



Daughters High School Graduation
Upstate SC, USA
This is the exact thing that we did not need!! This is why a study like this destroys everything we have tried to do. A positive study for biological causes will never get this kind of publicity and I bet our own government is behind it in an indirect way.
Should I just prepare myself now for people to say to me "Didn't you hear all you have to do is exercise and you'll be better."

I've had it said to me twice in the last 2 days by people that I thought understood my illness, and my protests of it being a stitch up makes me feel guilty - I'm having to be so defensive.

I've always been lucky in that although housebound & bedridden for a lot of the time I have never suffered from depression - unfortunately, since this crap, I've discovered just what depression is, and I don't like it.

I'm afraid the damage by these psychos has been done - I hope they are really proud of themselves. :(


Senior Member
NYC (& RI)
Hi bees,

The only thing I can think of that might be positive is if people scroll down a little, they might come across a genuine website. It's hard for me to say though, because I only get the UK version of yahoo and that's probably quite differen to the one you view!

Anyway it has got me thinking....do we know much about how many hits a site needs before it can be raised onto the top-5 list in search engines? It may be feasible, if we work in a co-ordinated fashion over a number of years, to get the sites we want in the top-5. So, for example, the disapedia article would appear instead of the wikipedia article. It would be great if there were a straightforward, attention-grabbing, truth-speaking website that we could get to number 1...maybe I should post this in the advocacy brainstorming thread.

So anyway, it's not great news, but there may be the birth of an idea on how to change things for next time a study comes out!


There are definitely techniques, a whole cottage industry called SEO. Some basics are to get links going in from high ranking websites (not 'farms' or junk websites) showing that you something people are interested in. also how long the website has been up. basically you just have to be an interesting website that gives people what they want and updates fairly often such as with blog posts so that people keep linking in. and do this for a long time.


Senior Member
I think the more you click on a link, atleast using google search, the higher is moves in the ranks (?) So be ware of hitting on sites that are, uhhumm, just BS and don't even allow commenting on the articles.


Senior Member
I think the more you click on a link, atleast using google search, the higher is moves in the ranks (?) So be ware of hitting on sites that are, uhhumm, just BS and don't even allow commenting on the articles.

I get around this by clicking on "cached" and seeing what the site is like first...


Senior Member
How do you do that Cigana? By the way that link is not working, which is probably just as well?


On Google, each item (usually) has the word "cached" at the lower-right-hand edge. If you click on that, it takes you to a saved version of the website, rather than the actual website itself. So it doesn't register as a hit...


senior member
Concord, NH
On Google, each item (usually) has the word "cached" at the lower-right-hand edge. If you click on that, it takes you to a saved version of the website, rather than the actual website itself. So it doesn't register as a hit...

Thanks! Got it.