Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Advisory Committee (CFSAC)-CONTACT


Senior Member
CFSAC is upon us again. As in past years the problem with this meeting has been that the DHHS Secretary never bothers to look at the recommendations from this meeting. S/He does not look and they do not sign off on the recommendations and thus, we see the same recommendations, complaints, ideas, year after year after year. Too many hardworking people and the very sick show up for this meeting every year and nothing comes of it. This is an enormous waste of time, energy, money and quite frankly, yet another example of the Federal government NOT doing their job.

I suggest emailing Secretary Sebelius and asking that she read and sign-off on the 2010 CFSAC Recommendations. Dr. Wanda Jones told me that the recommendations are placed on each Secretary's desk, never read and never signed off on. This too must come to an end.

After sending in your own statements to CFSAC, email Sebelius and update her on what CFSAC is doing, how important this meeting and recommendations are to the CFS/ME sick as well as the general public (due to the newly discovered Retrovirus family) and ask/insist that she read and sign-off on the CFSAC recommendations this year. Give her background on what has/is going on with CFS/ME and the retrovirus, the nation's blood supply, and the critical need for immediate major funding and grants to private researchers (WPI, Klimas, others) as well as real Federal government research that yields quick clinical trials and no more fooling around on yet more replications studies or foot dragging.

*** Again, remember that Sebelius works for you. You pay her salary. Make her do her job. I do think that hitting her with a ton of emails requesting that she pay attention to the CFSAC Recommendations might get her to actually do her job.

Secretary Sebelius --- Secretary Kathleen Sebelius - DHHS (or shortened to HHS):

Remember that DHHS is the "owner" of NIH, CDC, and the following Subordinate Organizations:
Administration for Children and Families
Administration on Aging
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
Food and Drug Administration
Health Resources and Services Administration
Indian Health Service
National Institutes of Health
Program Support Center
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Advisory Committee (CFSAC)
The Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Advisory Committee (CFSAC) provides advice and recommendations to the Secretary of Health and Human Services via the Assistant Secretary for Health of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services on issues related to chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). These include:
factors affecting access and care for persons with CFS;
the science and definition of CFS; and
broader public health, clinical, research and educational issues related to CFS.
Administrative and management support for CFSAC activities is provided by the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health (OASH). However, staffing will continue to be provided primarily from the Office on Women's Health, which is part of OASH.
Dr. Wanda K. Jones, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Health in OASH, will continue in her role as the Designated Federal Officer for CFSAC.

Roster of Committee Members
Voting Members
Christopher Snell, PhD
Stockton, CA
Term: 04/01/07 to 04/01/11
Dane B. Cook, PhD
Madison, WI
Term: 05/10/10 to 05/10/14
Ronald Glaser, Ph.D
Columbus, OH
Term: 04/01/07 to 04/01/11
Arthur J. Hartz, MD, PhD
Iowa City, IA
Term: 04/01/07 to 04/01/11
Eileen Holderman
Galveston, TX
Term: 05/10/10 to 05/10/14
Michael Houghton, PhD
Danville, CA
Term: 05/10/10 to 05/10/14
Leonard Jason, PhD
Chicago, IL
Term: 04/01/07 to 04/01/11
Steven P. Krafchick, MPH, JD
Seattle, WA
Term: 07/01/10 to 07/01/14
Nancy Klimas, MD
Miami, FL
Term: 04/01/07 to 04/01/11
Susan M. Levine, MD
New York, NY
Term: 05/10/10 to 05/10/14
Gailen Marshall Jr., MD, PhD
Jackson, MS
Term: 05/10/10 to 05/10/14
[Federal Register: September 8, 2010 (Volume 75, Number 173)]
[Page 54636-54637]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access []


Meeting of the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Advisory Committee

AGENCY: Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the
Secretary, Office of Public Health and Science.

ACTION: Notice.


SUMMARY: As stipulated by the Federal Advisory Committee Act, the U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services is hereby giving notice that
the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Advisory Committee (CFSAC) will hold a
meeting. The meeting will be open to the public.

DATES: The meeting will be held on Wednesday, October 13 from 9 a.m.
until 5 p.m. and Thursday, October 14, 2010 from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m.
CFSAC Subcommittees will hold scientific review sessions on Tuesday,
October 12 from 8:30 a.m. until 5 p.m.

ADDRESSES: Department of Health and Human Services; Room 800, Hubert H.
Humphrey Building; 200 Independence Avenue, SW., Washington, DC 20201.
For a map and directions to the Hubert H. Humphrey building, please

Secretary, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Advisory Committee, Department of
Health and Human Services; 200 Independence Avenue, SW., Hubert
Humphrey Building, Room 712E; Washington, DC 20201. Please direct all
inquiries to

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: CFSAC was established on September 5, 2002.
The Committee was established to advise, consult with, and make
recommendations to the Secretary, through the Assistant Secretary for
Health, on a broad range of topics including (1) The current state of
the knowledge and research about the

[[Page 54637]]

epidemiology and risk factors relating to chronic fatigue syndrome, and
identifying potential opportunities in these areas; (2) current and
proposed diagnosis and treatment methods for chronic fatigue syndrome;
and (3) development and implementation of programs to inform the
public, health care professionals, and the biomedical, academic, and
research communities about advances in chronic fatigue syndrome.
The agenda for this meeting is being developed. The agenda will be
posted on the CFSAC Web site,, when it is
finalized. The meeting will be broadcast over the Internet as a real-
time streaming video. It also will be recorded and archived on the
CFSAC Web site for on demand viewing.

CFSAC Subcommittees will convene scientific review sessions on
Tuesday, October 12. The purpose of these sessions is to update the
latest developments in etiology, natural history, clinical trials, and
related areas for chronic fatigue syndrome. The public is welcome to
attend these sessions, which are not a formal part of the Advisory
Committee meeting. These sessions will be broadcast over the Internet
as a real-time streaming video. It also will be recorded and archived
on the CFSAC Web site for on demand viewing. An agenda will be posted
on the CFSAC Web site when it becomes available.

Public attendance at the meeting is limited to space available.
Individuals must provide a government-issued photo ID for entry into
the building where the meeting is scheduled to be held. Those attending
the meeting will need to sign-in prior to entering the meeting room.
Individuals who plan to attend and need special assistance, such as
sign language interpretation or other reasonable accommodations, should
notify the designated contact person at in advance.

Members of the public will have the opportunity to provide comment
at the October 13-14 meeting if pre-registered. Individuals who wish to
address the Committee during the public comment session must pre-
register by Friday, September 17, 2010, via e-mail at
Time slots for public comment will be available on a first-come, first-
served basis. Public comment will be limited to five minutes per
speaker; no exceptions will be made. Individuals registering for public
comment should submit a copy of their testimony in advance to, prior to the close of business on Friday, September 17,

Members of the public who wish to have printed material distributed
to CFSAC members for review should submit one copy of the material to
the Executive Secretary, at, prior to close of business
on September 17, 2010. Submissions are limited to five typewritten
Any written testimony submitted after this date will be
available for inspection on-site and will be posted to the Web site
after the meeting.

If you do not submit your written testimony prior to the close of
business Friday, September 17, 2010, you may bring a copy of your
written testimony to the meeting and present it to the CFSAC Executive
Secretary. Your testimony will be included in a notebook that will be
available for viewing by the public on a table at the back of the
meeting room.

Please ensure that written testimony does not include any personal
information including your personal mailing address and that it
includes only your name, if you wish to be identified
. If you wish to
remain anonymous, please notify the CFSAC Executive Secretary upon
submission of the materials to

Dated: August 31, 2010.
Wanda K. Jones,
Executive Secretary, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Advisory Committee.
[FR Doc. 2010-22393 Filed 9-7-10; 8:45 am]


Senior Member
CFSAC is not being heard if the Secretary does not read/sign off on recommendations

Help Dr. Wanda Jones get the recomendations read by Sebelius and signed-off on by emailing Secretary Sebelius.

These people do not bother to read the recommendations or work that comes out of the CFSAC meetings. Email Sebelius and ask her to read the recommendations and sign off on them.
Want to keep seeing the same things over and over evey single damn year? Then get the Secretary to finally LOOK at this stuff and sign off on it.

Otherswise, what really is the point of all those people travelling to DC to sit there and listen to the everyone preach to the same choir every year?


senior member
Concord, NH
Hey Muffin, from what you describe, it does sound like an exercise in futility?! So what do we need to do?