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Chronic fatigue rare but serious in teens


Senior Member
Long Beach, CA

Copyright precludes copying the whole article here. I'll just mention that the "uninvolved expert" they quote is from King's College London. And here's a small excerpt:

There is no cure for CFS and scientists don't know what causes it. Many sufferers say they think their illness started after a viral infection, but suggested links to a virus known as XMRV were shown in a recent scientific paper to have been based on contaminated samples in a lab (see Reuters Health story of December 20, 2010).


Senior Member
the city
"A new survey of Dutch doctors and their patients suggests that chronic fatigue syndrome affects only about 1 in 900 teenagers "

my chance of developing CFS was .0011%. fuck my life.
Thanks for posting this, ixchelkali.

That is a highly unfortunate and inaccurate quote about XMRV :(

Does anyone know if this study is in keeping with the literature? Or do we only have incidental physician reporting to rely on to date? I personally find this figure HIGHLY improbable. According to the article, only half of GPs who received the survey responded, and only half of those who responded "said they accepted CFS as a distinct diagnosis." The study notes that it took the teens an average of 17 mos to get a diagnosis, which for the majority, was not from their GP.

They also found females 5x as many females (teens) w/CFS than males. That can't be right. Not only does it not match the wider rates among adults, but I'm fairly sure Dr. Bell has stated that rates appear to be about equal (male and female) among children.

In my opinion, this study points to the dire consequences of the lack of research and physician education about ME/CFS, especially concerning children.

- invisible ME

SaveME - I also became ill with ME/CFS as a teen and knew at least one other teen (a close friend) who did as well. According to these stats, that would be almost impossible! I know it doesn't change anything, but I actually think the stats reported in this article have more to do with under-diagnosis than with actual rates of illness.

Mya Symons

Mya Symons
Ixchel or anyone else: Does anyone happen to know the stats on teenagers who go into remission--As in how many that go in remission eventually get CFS back again and when are they likely to get it back again if at all? If not, do you know where I can find that info?