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Chronic fatigue patients more likely to suppress emotions

Sure @Joel1970 -- in this article I'm sure they're talking about emotional stressors. But you were quoting Webdog, who was talking about autonomic stuff and its relation to stress... not quoting the article. :)

Def not important! :)

The funny thing is that you are told for years and years that it's all in your head, that you need to snap out of it, that you are lazy, that there is nothing they can do because the disease doesn't exist; you basically go through everything in the book of Job either figuratively by losing your family or literally by losing everything else and then they wonder why we suppress emotions. If we didn't I am sure there would be a lot of doctors in ICU and they wouldn't be working lol.


Senior Member
Silicon Valley, CA
Well. You are either lazy or a classic, Type-A overachiever. You know how it is, whatever can be fitted to the patient at the time. ;)

I see you are new; welcome!



Senior Member
Well. You are either lazy or a classic, Type-A overachiever.
Got this from my local 'support' group the other day. And I quote:
Quite apart of how laughable this characterisation is of my teenage pre-illness self, I wonder if this stuff is being pumped out to co-opt patients into their own psychologisation (is that a word?). Call someone a lazy malingerer, you might expect a nasty reaction. Call them Mother Theresa in need of a break, well, why not accept that idea? I'm sure it makes people a lot more pliable in the long run.
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Senior Member
Silicon Valley, CA
Call someone a lazy malingerer, you might expect a nasty reaction. Call them Mother Theresa in need of a break, well, why not accept that idea? I'm sure it makes people a lot more pliable in the long run.

Certainly it fits the PWME that I know, but that's the beauty of 'personality trait' medicine. Like your horoscope, it pretty much fits from a certain angle, head tilted, squinting, no matter what.



Senior Member
Silicon Valley, CA
On another note, if anyone was ever in doubt that the 'CFS' label is really as demeaning as people say, comparing the articles that pop up for ME/CFS or ME vs CFS alone is mindblowing.

....this would be a really easy study for someone. Researchers? Hello?

I was never an over achiever in school but I always was at work and at sports. I did like to volunteer a lot and helping others brought me more satisfaction than helping myself. I think that's why I tend to have to suppress my emotions when at the doctors.

When people tell you that you need to get over it or you are lazy but in reality the opposite is true it takes frustration to a whole new level. I know with the adrenaline pumping through my veins I could easily take any doctor I have ever met and make them seriously regret demeaning me in such a way. Half the time I wouldn't even mind the jail time. I would at least have a roof over my head and 3 squares a day lol.

Just kidding, I would never hurt anyone lol. It's amazing what goes through your mind as you are sitting there though.