Choosing a Probiotic


Senior Member
Pacific NW
I really like Miyarisan (clostridium butyricum) which I've been using for the past 5-6 weeks. This probiotic has it's own thread;

Some stomach rumbling for 1st couple weeks as you adjust dose to 5-6 tabs( tiny pills) three times per day. It's the only probiotic I've tried where I've noticed significant benefits within the first few days.


Senior Member
Hi there, as I've mentioned somewhere else on here, last summer I attended the Taymount clinic in Herts, UK for faecal implant treatment. It hasn't worked so far sadly but it may be beneficial for me to have further implants. Anyway, there probiotic regime at the time was for you to take 4 different probiotics and rotate them every 2 weeks. However they have now changed this and now only recommend one probiotic called "Symprove". I have read about this on their site and looked at the reviews on Amazon. The reviews look very promising actually. I'm just wondering if these reviews are by people who are as unwell as most of us who visit this site. I am going to order some this week and give it a go.


Senior Member
Best price I could find was £19.99 here, free delivery. Sounds promising, but trying to find cheaper options. It seems that for muscosal membranes l Plantarum might be worth looking into. I might end up ordering Allergy Research as it claims to have 10 billion l plantarum in each capsule.