Childhood trauma in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: focus on personality disorders and psychopathology


Senior Member
Psychobabblers said:
These results suggest that emotional childhood trauma but not physical childhood trauma is related to higher frequency of PD presence. More severe childhood emotional and physical traumas are related to a higher number of PDs and to more severe psychopathological symptoms.
Why do the results and conclusion literally say nothing about CFS? Because the researchers found no connection between CFS and personality disorders, emotional trauma, childhood abuse, or any of the other usual irrelevant BS they're so obsessed with.

And they're too damned academically dishonest to come out and say it was a null result.


PR activist


Senior Member
Somewhere near Glasgow, Scotland
I'd say the majority of kids round my way suffered serious problems
be it from heavy metal and asbestos pollution form the steelworks right next to our homes
or endemic violence
and while we were to naïve to realize it, talking to folk years later on showed that sexual abuse was rampant
so nobody dare tell me them were the "good old days"

very large % of folk I knew ended up alcoholics or other forms of addicts/personality problems, and a lot are now dead as a result.
I get VERY angry at ignorant folk who sneer at alcoholics and drug addicts
most folk end up like that because of the crap they have suffered, lot of drug abuse starts out as way to escape the nightmares and fears in their heads
I did so in books, or going fishing, art etc, but it ain't been easy
other folk didn't have the family etc I did and so they turned to more destructive means of coping

the "ME is caused by abuse as child" is another easy cop out for those scumbag psychs, because the ones who DID survive that crap are strong willed, folk who will fight back and tell psychs they are a bunch of clueless arrogant twats, and thus, aforementioned clueless arrogant twats have to come up with a means to undermine and weaken their victims' fighting back!
Just like the witch hunters, they always come up with crap to blame the victim
Toss them in a river, if they drown they were a good Christian and have gone to Heaven so no big loss
if they float, they are a witch!

Same kind of crap even today, except they don't get so Medieval on your ass.
This makes perfect sense.

I must have been traumatized from having a too good childhood. Clearly this must have had a traumatic effect on my mind and body which must have lead to CFS.

Now if I can only stick to some CBT, GET, PACE, and a bucket of anti depressants I will receive redemption at last!


Senior Member
I used to farm for a living. I have no trouble recognizing poop, that's for sure!
I come from cattle farming stock. I have dodged many a steaming pile in the yards, and occasionally not dodged one (there's a reason cowboy boots come most the way up to your knee).

That there is definitely a steer backing a big one out. The pose is captured nicely.


Rebel without a biscuit
Psychiatry/psychology please clean up your own house before having the hubris to think you can clean others.

This kind of crap will happen again and again.

I am beginning to be of the opinion that it has more to do with Psych's not seeing people in front of them--they are cases or puzzles or something to be put right but not people. And it's not about 'healing' the case, puzzle whatever it's about a feeling of their own personal catharsis or resolution. Or maybe they think I'm over psychologising the issue. Something they would never do. (I need a sarcasm emoji)