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Chicken Soup for the Spirit


Senior Member
Through the years, I’ve collected snippets in the form of quotes, poems, affirmations, prayers, reflections .....to help me cope with the not-so-good, the bad, and the ugly days that go with being ill.

At various times, depending on the moods, they’ve offered me inspiration, courage, comfort, hope, strength, healing, peace, faith, acceptance, survival. I’ve stuck some on my bedroom walls (in large print), so that even when I am crashed out, they are still providing me with some comfort and hope.

Some of these snippets are already sitting on the Prayer Trees.....others, I’ll add to this thread.

The sources are varied – and often anonymous. Thanks to all those contributors out there (on the internet and elsewhere) who have shared their favourites to help me hang on to my sanity during the dark times.

The posts here are meant to be food for the spirit (meditation – reflection – comfort) rather than the usual conversations. I’ll try posting at intervals ..... sharing from my scrapbook. Perhaps, they will provide inspiration, comfort or healing to others here.


Senior Member




Senior Member

Although I have several more snippets to add here, the end of the year seems like a good time to wind up this thread.

My thanks to those who have stopped by: to read, to reflect, to support.

This last one is for you.

